Photo Credit: ISIS
Map released by ISIS

Qatar: Come on…

Iran: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei accused the United States of planning to use military action against ISIS to “dominate the region.” So, like, no help right now.


Writing for Newsweek last week, Marc Schulman asked, regarding the threat of ISIS to Israel: “what damage can a group whose weapons of choice are jeeps mounted with machine guns do to a country equipped with the most advanced tanks in the world?”

“On the other hand,” Schulman notes, “the rise of ISIS and its success, represents another type of threat. It is a continuation of the type of threat Israel has faced from Hamas over the last 20 years.”

And while in fighting Hamas Israel has been constrained in its response out of concern for the civilian population of Gaza, ISIS will likely present no such limitations. For the IDF it shouldn’t be a hard nut to crack, when the time comes


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Tibbi Singer is a veteran contributor to publications such as Israel Shelanu and the US supplement of Yedioth, and Jewish Business News.