Photo Credit: Courtesy Aaron Klein
Aaron Klein

Muslim Brotherhood Military Buildup Sparked Egyptian Crackdown

The Egyptian army launched its crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood after evidence indicated that the Islamist group was creating its own military and terrorist apparatus, a high-ranking Egyptian intelligence official told KleinOnline.


The official further stated that al Qaeda-linked jihadists have been making their way to the Sinai Peninsula as part of a Muslim Brotherhood effort to accumulate its own independent force.

That force was being coordinated with the Brotherhood’s main political and militant ally, the Jihadi Salafist group, the official said. Earlier this week, Egyptian police arrested Mohammed al-Zawahiri, leader of the Salafist group and brother to al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri.

The Egyptian intelligence official also stated Turkey has been aiding the Muslim Brotherhood military and terrorist efforts, including providing financial support funneled through international firms.

Turkey has also been working with Hamas to aid the so-called rebels in their fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, according to informed Middle Eastern security officials.

The Gazan group was specifically asked to help the rebels construct underground tunnels and to advise the jihadist-saturated rebels on adopting some of the tools Hamas previously utilized against Israel.

The Egyptian intelligence official confirmed the Hamas-Turkish cooperation and claimed it extended to the Muslim Brotherhood, which asked Hamas to aid its efforts to build a military wing.

New Claim May Help Explain Benghazi Fiasco

Does a new claim from an attorney representing Benghazi whistleblowers explain why air support was never sent to the doomed Benghazi facility the night of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack?

The claim may also help to explain why it took hours for an American-provided C-130 cargo plane to take off from Tripoli for the short flight to Benghazi to help evacuate survivors.

Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. Attorney who represents Benghazi whistleblowers, stated that 400 surface-to-air missiles were “taken from Libya” during the attacks and that the U.S. fears the missiles can be used to down aircraft. He said his information “comes from a former intelligence official who stayed in constant contact with people in the special ops and intelligence community.”

DiGenova told WMAL radio in Washington, D.C., he “does not know whether [the missiles] were at the annex, but it is clear the annex was somehow involved in the distribution of those missiles.”

This column was first to report that in a largely unnoticed speech to a think tank seven months before the Benghazi attack, a top State Department official described an unprecedented multi-million-dollar U.S. effort to secure anti-aircraft weapons in Libya after the fall of Muammar Khaddafi’s regime.

The official, Andrew J. Shapiro, assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, explained that U.S. experts were fully coordinating the collection efforts with the Libyan opposition. He said the efforts were taking place in Benghazi, where a leading U.S. expert was deployed.

U.S. Policy Likely Caused Spike In Asylum Seekers

The news coverage of the massive increase of illegal aliens attempting to gain asylum in the U.S. failed to report the most likely cause of the spike.

That cause could very well be Immigration and Customs Enforcement guidelines enacted in 2010 that eased the way for “credible fear” asylum seekers – illegal aliens who claim to fear persecution from drug cartels.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton implemented new streamline procedures for asylum seekers that went into effect Jan. 4, 2010. The revised rules permit temporary release from detention pending an ICE hearing for illegal aliens who “have a credible fear of persecution or torture, and have no additional factors that weigh against their release.”

The new guidelines further mandate all asylum seekers should automatically be considered for parole. This marks a major departure from the previous rules that required an illegal alien to request parole in writing.

The same year the guidelines were implemented there was a spike in “credible fear” asylum seekers.

The current numbers are so high, there were reports of nearly 200 people claiming a “credible fear” of drug cartels in a single day at the Otay Mesa crossing south of San Diego, according to KSAZ-TV in Phoenix.

Pete Nunez, former U.S. Attorney and immigration expert says, told the station the tactic “will swamp the system.”

“It’s a huge loophole,” Nunez said.

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Aaron Klein is the Jerusalem bureau chief for Breitbart News. Visit the website daily at He is also host of an investigative radio program on New York's 970 AM Radio on Sundays from 7 to 9 p.m. Eastern. His website is