Iran’s New Plan: Lost Gaza, So Take West Bank
The Israeli operation aims to prevent Iran and its Palestinian proxies from opening a new front against Israel from the West Bank.
Year 2 of the Siege on Jewish Students Begins
The start of the semester means a renewed surge of delegitimization of Zionism and open antisemitism.
Almost Half Of NYC Bus Riders Don’t Pay: An Explanation
The no exact change excuse is typical of people who break laws – they don’t blame themselves; in fact, they regard themselves as perfectly innocent.
Iran’s War: Fighting Israel from the West Bank
The PA's failure to crack down on the "battalions" means that Iran now has a small army in the West Bank
America 2024: Is Antisemitism “The Point?”
There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable…- Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) British Prime Minister
Keffiyah Man Attacks Jewish Students at U Pitt
The only known basis for the attack is that the students were wearing identifying Jewish clothing.
RFK Jr: Democracy Trumps Democrats
"In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it.”
Survey Shows Majority of Muslim College Students Hate Jews
65% of Muslim students either hate Jews or Israel.
Candace Owens’ Poison Podcasting: Online’s New Breed of Jew-Hater
She is a partner of Hamas, and a useful idiot for Iran and Hezbollah. As with all Amakekites, she has picked up the banner against Am Yisrael
A Civility Elegy
What better moment than the eve of Tisha Be’Av – ten months distance from Israel’s contemporary national catastrophe of Tisha Be’Av magnitude – to remind oneself of the Biblical warnings against the politics of defamation?
What Choice Do We Have?
When Kamala Harris took up the mantle of the Democratic Party’s nominee for President, she lost no time in reinforcing doubts Jews have about her.
After Biden’s Appeasement of Iran, US Soldiers Wounded in Attack
Weakness kills Americans
It’s Not Kamala’s Campaign, It’s Obama’s
"Harris hires Obama campaign veterans to join 2024 effort, replacing Biden loyalists"
Media Morons Mourn “Moderate” and “Pragmatic” Dead Hamas Leader
If only he had also been an austere religious scholar too.
Ending ‘Treason Citizenship’
Birthright citizenship and treason citizenship remain major obstacles to securing the nation.
Media Buries Islamic Terror Rocket Killing 12 Kids on Israeli Soccer Field
As bad as you think the media is, it always manages to be worse.
Kamala’s Anti-Israel Advisers Helped Bring On Oct 7
“Muslims who support terrorism and trust Osama bin Laden favor personal liberty.”
The Kamala Coverup Begins
You can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.
What Happens Now? A Dem Civil War
“The leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”
From Democracy to Donorocracy
Donors decided Biden should step out. Now donors will pick Kamala’s VP.
Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Yet Fit to be President?
If Biden is unfit to run, he must step down or be impeached.
Biden’s Legacy: A World in Flames
The reversion to Obama’s foreign policy and appeasement of Iran spawned an escalation of terrorism that endangers the West while killing Israelis.
Putting Israel’s Economy and Society on Emergency Footing
It is time to raid the high schools, university campuses, and senior citizen homes for manpower; to press the entire Israeli public, young and old of all hues and stripes, into industrial and emergency service.
Do No Harm…Unless!
The number of incidents is way too long to cite in this article. But there is little doubt that the world of medicine has become sick.
Protecting the Eternal
Israel must act to halt Palestinian destruction of Jewish archaeological sites in Judea & Samaria.
The Trump Shooting Saved… Biden
The assassination attempt was the one thing that could save his candidacy
Judea and Samaria are on Fire – Literally
Escalating Palestinian terrorism, surging illegal Palestinian construction in zones of strategic importance to Israel, and wildly out-of-control arson attacks must be stopped.
For Many Palestinians, the “Day After” Should Look Like the Day Before October 7
Hamas remains the dominant power in Palestinians’ minds