The Kamala Coverup Begins

You can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.

What Happens Now? A Dem Civil War

“The leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

From Democracy to Donorocracy

Donors decided Biden should step out. Now donors will pick Kamala’s VP.

Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Yet Fit to be President?

If Biden is unfit to run, he must step down or be impeached.

Biden’s Legacy: A World in Flames

The reversion to Obama’s foreign policy and appeasement of Iran spawned an escalation of terrorism that endangers the West while killing Israelis.

Putting Israel’s Economy and Society on Emergency Footing

It is time to raid the high schools, university campuses, and senior citizen homes for manpower; to press the entire Israeli public, young and old of all hues and stripes, into industrial and emergency service.

Do No Harm…Unless!

The number of incidents is way too long to cite in this article. But there is little doubt that the world of medicine has become sick.

Protecting the Eternal

Israel must act to halt Palestinian destruction of Jewish archaeological sites in Judea & Samaria.

The Trump Shooting Saved… Biden

The assassination attempt was the one thing that could save his candidacy

Judea and Samaria are on Fire – Literally

Escalating Palestinian terrorism, surging illegal Palestinian construction in zones of strategic importance to Israel, and wildly out-of-control arson attacks must be stopped.

All the President’s Liars

The media hasn’t stopped lying to us. It’s only begun to lie.

Were More People Killed In The Name Of G-d Or In The Name Of...

While all men are created equal, as the American Declaration of Independence put it, based upon the biblical, Judeo-Christian origins of the American Revolution, it is not possible to achieve equality without violence.

Does the Palestinian Leadership Represent All Palestinians?

The Palestinian Conference for Palestinians Abroad claims to represent 6-7 million Palestinians in over 50 countries, and opposes the PLO and Palestinian Authority.

In 21st-century Europe, Jews need New Allies

If many French Jews are backing Marine Le Pen and National Rally, it’s because the alternatives are an antisemitic left and a center that can’t or won’t defend them.

The Lesser of Two Evils: A Diminished President or Failed Policies?

Has a president who is, at best, a part-time leader or at worst, no longer capable of facing the enormous challenges of the presidency, played a role in exacerbating these problems?

Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime Unless You Support Hamas

“I don’t know why it took the police so long to arrest them.”

What The Hell Happened?

You can’t debate if you can’t think. Biden can talk, but he can’t think.

Netanyahu Right to Reject Vassal-State Status

Bibi broke protocol by calling out the Biden administration for slow-walking arms shipments. Washington’s real goal, however, is appeasing Iran and toppling him.


Jew-hatred, is a welcoming, diverse and inclusive sort of evil. Its very inclusivity helps to make it particularly popular in woke circles. People will find fellow Jew-haters from every conceivable background and class.

Time to Unmask Pro-Hamas Thugs

The revival of anti-masking laws is necessary to curb the post-Oct. 7 surge in antisemitism. But will Democratic-controlled legislatures pass them?

Germans — Even During the Hitler Era — Were a Better People Than the...

Hamas boasting to their fellow Palestinians about what they did to Jews while the Nazis tried to hide what they did from fellow Germans means there is not only a moral difference between Hamas and the Nazis

Making the War About the Hostages Was a Mistake

"No one has an idea" of how many hostages in Gaza are alive, a Hamas official said.
The Jacobins and Girondins of the French Revolution were the first modern left- and right-wing parties.

INTO THE FRAY: Fickle Feckless France- Egalite, Fraternite …ANTISEMITISME

The French Foreign Ministry advanced two claims as the rationale for its decision to support the ICC—both equally risible and ridiculous

Still Celebrating the Six Day War: Ten Jewish Families In Abu Dis

Literally across the street from this wall, just outside the Arab village of Abu Dis, ten Jewish families have renewed the Jewish presence there – nearly a century after Jewish pioneers bought the land for exactly that purpose.

America Has Its First Show Trial

In the case of the Trump trial, the Left has done something never done before in American history: put on trial a former president and the opposition political party candidate for president.


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