I wish a great summer to all my readers, and to Knesset members I say, “Show appreciation to our sages, our gold medal winners of our Survival Olympics – they are the ones we must thank for our survival and success. A way can still be found to apologize to them – for starters, by consulting with them on the important issue of army service.”

The Torah Giants – Rav Hutner, Rav Ruderman, my zaidie, Rav Moshe and others – gave direction to Prime Minister Begin in that simple home on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, helping him make a proper and lasting peace with our largest Arab neighboring state. May that advice from gedolim remain a model for today, bringing everlasting good to Klal Yisrael.


The time is now to make peace among brothers.

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Dov Shurin is a popular radio personality and the composer and producer of several albums. He lives with his family in Israel and can be contacted at [email protected]. His Jewish Press column appears the third issue of each month.