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Dov Shurin

Another instance of truth twisting is when Yaakov tells his messengers (Bereishis 32:5), “So shall you say to my master Eisav, so says your servant Yaakov….. But Yaakov was actually the master and his brother was his servant, thanks to the berachah of Yitzchak. But Yaakov twisted  the truth for the sake of making peace.

Bearing in mind what you’ve just read, it becomes easy to understand the strategy of our prime minister. He has stated, “I’m for a two-state solution that doesn’t compromise our security.”


But as he recently put it in an address to the Saban Forum, “The minimal requirement for peace is the Palestinian recognition of the state of Israel as home to the Jewish people.”

And he added, “The question shouldn’t be, why does Israel make this demand. The question is, why do the Palestinians consistently refuse to accept it?”

The truth is that there is no partner for  negotiations and no possibility of a two-state solution. Netanyahu is therefore acting appropriately when he twists the truth for the sake of peaceful relationships with the Obama administration and the rest of the world.

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Dov Shurin is a popular radio personality and the composer and producer of several albums. He lives with his family in Israel and can be contacted at [email protected]. His Jewish Press column appears the third issue of each month.