Photo Credit: GUSTAV JÄGER 1808 – 1881
Hur and Aharon holding up Moshe's hands as Joshua battled Amalek. Our leaders once knew how to deal with Amalek.

(As an aside, one could tear kriyah at what has become of many of the daughters of Israel today, who grow up in homes devoid of Torah. Just enter any shop and take a look at the choice of available outfits for girls these days. How any father could let his daughter go out in such sexually provocative costumes which both sexualize and exploit them is beyond me, and it speaks volumes about where this country is heading. But I digress.)

In every generation, Amalek wars with Am Yisroel. Evil exists. Use your senses and Jewish kup to draw the obvious conclusions. The Arabs and the Islamic world have eagerly taken the crown of Amalek from the Nazis of yesterday. And Persia is still making trouble for us in 2015. A nuclear armed Iran is every bit the genocidal threat that Haman’s original decree was. And while I have never praised Netanyahu before, if indeed he defies the anti-semitic Achashveirosh of our times and presents his speech to Congress, he deserves praise for exposing Iran’s genocidal intentions. Not so much to convince the anti-Semites of the world who deny the obvious ( I don’t are much for meaningless PR), but rather because it represents a semblance of Jewish strength to the anti-Semites who would aid Amalek. And let the discerning reader keep an eye out for those anti-Semites (i.e. democrat politicians, members of the “Black Caucus”) who boycott Netanyahu’s speech. Their actions will speak volumes. And they should all be called out.


The message of Parshat Zachor and Purim is clear and unambiguous. Agag still lives. In every generation.

A freilichin Purim to everyone. Drink with dignity and self-control to attain the desired state of “ad d’lo yada”. But don’t lose sight of the underlying lessons of Purim. And of course, have your loved ones hide your car keys. Stay off the roads! Chag Sameach.


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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.