The Jewish Press joins Klal Yisrael in mourning the passing, at age 88, of Dr. Irving Moskowitz, a larger-than-life ardent Zionist widely acknowledged as the leading advocate and financial backer of Jews purchasing land from Arabs beyond the Green Line – especially in eastern Jerusalem, Gush Etzion, Gush Katif, and Ramat HaGolan.

He championed the right of Jews to live anywhere in the biblical land of Israel and inspired and called upon many to join with him in asserting this right. A major Jewish philanthropist, he also contributed large sums for major efforts to restore Jewish life in eastern Jerusalem. Not as well known is that he was a serious financial supporter of Jewish causes generally.


Although an accomplished physician who embarked on an enormously successful career as a builder of hospitals, he was always mindful of his humble beginnings. His Moskowitz Foundation sponsors many scholarships for disadvantaged young people of all races, creeds, and religions in Israel, the United States, and all over the world.

May his memory be a blessing.


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