To our mind, there has never been another time when confidence in our governmental institutions has been at its current ebb. It is fair to say that the perceived political weaponization of our institutions by those in power has fostered a widespread cynicism and undermined faith in American exceptionalism.

It is also fair to say that this distrust was only further fed by a recent series of Biden administration actions or inactions which, on their face at least, fail to pass the smell test.


While there would admittedly be an obviously partisan dimension, a full congressional airing could serve to put to rest suspicions many have about the Biden regime. The Congressional Republicans investigation checklist is a good beginning, and here are just some of the areas on it:

How did the story about Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop with its provocative material about a Joe Biden connection and possible pay to play scheme come to be suppressed until after the 2020 presidential election? How did it come to pass that the news of a Joe Biden classified document problem be suppressed until after the 2022 midterm elections? Did the Biden administration coordinate the now-discredited letter from 51 former intelligence officials that dismissed the information on the Hunter Biden laptop as having all the marks of a Russian disinformation effort? Whatever happened to the federal investigation of Hunter Biden’s tax issues? To what extent have members of the Biden team tried to influence the social media’s coverage of issues? Were politics behind the Justice Department’s surprising investigation of Project Veritas, a conservative watchdog group? Were politics behind the adversarial FBI raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in search of classified documents and the genteel tack taken with respect to the President Biden search?

Hopefully, there are simple and benign answers to these and other questions the Congressional Republicans are raising. To leave them unaddressed will only feel our national discontent.

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