Omitted Date

Shulchan Aruch, following Rashi and Rif, rules that the creditor cannot collect at all from sold property based on the invalid document, but he can still collect based on it from the debtor, who is not believed to contradict it.

Living Dangerously: A Theme For The Three Weeks And Investing

Investors tend to make drastic decisions when they are feeling scared, greedy, or impatient. Unfortunately, these impulsive moves rarely, if ever, work out. Emotional decisions have no place in the world of successful investing.

Q & A: K’vod HaTzibbur

Question: Whenever an activity is prohibited because of kavod hatzibbur [namely, the dignity of the congregation], may a kehilla decide that such activity, in their view, does not infringe upon the stature or dignity of the congregation? In my synagogue there are many people who do not wear jackets during services. What of a jacketless ba’al tefillah at Mincha or Ma’ariv, in a synagogue where the custom is such that the shaliach tzibbur does not wear a tallit for these services? Menachem Via Email

Dear Dr. Yael

Unfortunately, often parents can raise many children while many children cannot always care for their parents properly. It is so important that those who are suffering have a support group to turn to to help them through this difficult time period.

Mount Herzl: One Of The Holiest Mountains In Jerusalem

But what makes Mount Herzl a holy mountain stems from the thousands of soldiers who are buried in the military section. Here are the gravestones that testify to the supreme sacrifice that each of them made for the sake of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

Humble Judges

Generalizing from judges to general ethical advice, the Lubavitcher Rebbe suggests that getting another’s perspective is essential for self-improvement. We tend to have self-serving biases in either positive or negative directions that distort our self-assessment.

Freeing Agunot After The Holocaust

A series of documents I acquired recently tells one such situation, where a woman who survived the war, but whose husband did not, spent several years dealing with the halachic ramifications that resulted.

Differential Enemies

An Egyptian whose ancestors committed genocide against our people may be accepted as a convert after three generations, but a Moabite and Amonite – who never gave us bread and water, they may never be accepted?

What Does The Tzaddik Ask For Himself

Moshe knows he’s running out of time, he wants to make his final request of Hashem.

Pacing Change

A leader who fails to work for change is not a leader. But a leader who attempts too much change in too short a time will fail.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Bienenfeld Family – From Riverdale, To Ra’anana, To Carmei...

The initial big holdback for her was leaving her family and Atara and Zach have been amazed that so many of their family members have moved to Israel since their arrival.

Yes, We Can

Even those less academic and studious can master the Torah and even those less disciplined have the capacity to fulfill all of their mitzvot.

Clothes Make The (Wo)Man

If a kallah was writing with this question about her chosson, I believe that there would be little to no pushback. A girl is allowed to notice clothing, but a guy is not?

Am Echad

How could we err and think, like the Jews of Hungary did, that the nations of the world will protect us during times of tribulation? When the inhumane policies of the evil Hitler, yemach shemo, had already affected most of the countries in Europe after four years, people still paid no attention.

New Torah And Aron Kodesh Dedicated In Upstate New York

The Torah is the portable homeland of the Jew, Weil said, drawing on the words of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, of blessed memory.

The Secret To A Happy Home (Part I)

The successful relationship between husband and wife makes the home into a sanctuary as it says, Ish v’isha shalom beineihem, Shechina shruyah beineihem – A husband and wife, if there is peace between them, then the divine Presence dwells between them.

A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World (Part II)

Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning.

The Early Years Of The JNF And Three Of Its Lesser Known Leading Pioneers

Over a century before the Holocaust, Rav Alkalai predicted that 1940 would be a year of great hardship with an outpouring of wrath that will lead to the gathering of our dispersed in Eretz Yisrael and urged Jews to make aliyah voluntarily before this catastrophic event forced them to settle in Eretz Yisrael.

World War III: The Civilized World Vs. Klal Yisrael

Granted, the U.N. mainly represents governments – the great majority of which are dictatorships – rather than people. Nevertheless, to the extent that the U.N. speaks for the world, its overwhelming hostility toward Israel, and increasingly, the desire to extinguish the Jewish state, are undeniable.

Beat The Heat

If we seek to live our lives based on our own abilities and means, we are very limited. However, if we live with the awareness that it’s Hashem’s world, and we are merely trying to play our part in the divine plan, then we tap into the infinitude of the divine.

Biden’s Remaining Days In Office

The bottom line for the U.S. thus became a Hamas-manipulated limit on how Israel could fight its war with Hamas, thereby encouraging Hamas’s recalcitrance and terrorism. But the problem didn’t end there.

Can You Really Become As Great As Moshe Rabbeinu?

We are each endowed with our own unique potential, and everything in our life – down to the smallest detail – is here to help us fulfill our unique role.

A Moment Of Revelation Trumps All

In that moment of reflection, I once again was poignantly reminded that, despite his flaws, Trump had genuinely cared about America. He had fought for what he believed was best for our great country, often facing immense opposition and criticism. His resilience and determination were undeniable.

From Tech To Tanks And Back To Tech

Surely, all these years later, you’ve heard that Israel is The Startup Nation, but perhaps it’s time to retire that title and change it to something more along the lines of Scale up Nation.

The Kuzari Principle Revisited

Before you call me an apikores, no proof is good if it isn’t subject to honest evaluation and criticism.

At The Ready

Once you throw your lot in with the State of Israel, there’s an implicit understanding that one day you may be called on to protect those around you. This reality accentuates the contrast between Israel and America.

The Democratic Presidential Nominee Should Own Joe Biden’s Failures

A person of his sadly apparent diminished capacity should certainly not be entrusted with the responsibilities of so high an office as President of the United States.


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