Always On

Things are always on. Nothing stops. Things develop. But even as you try to put a positive spin on things, you still get those punches in the stomach.

We Were Like Dreamers

Once antisemitism is exposed, it cannot easily be masked again. At best, it will lurk just beneath the surface; at worst, it will manifest itself in new ways.

Open Letter To Simchat Torah 5785

This year, the Torah will feel different in my arms. Not lighter, not heavier, but full of stories we know too well – the stories of exile and return, of brokenness and healing, of joy and tragedy walking side by side.

‘Let The Year And Its Curses End’

The air is haunted by the distant rumble of warplanes. My husband tells me, These are our planes. It’s good. It means they are doing something. But to me it’s the shriek of unquiet ghosts.

How We Turned Our High School Into A Memorial For October 7th

We go to Shulamith High School of Long Island and we are very proud to tell you about the hours of work and effort that our school put into creating a beautiful and powerful memorial and program for October 7. It commemorated the atrocities that afflicted our nation, Am Yisrael, a year ago.

Overcoming The Silence

While the themes of Terror, Faith, and Hope dominate the artworks and the wall texts that accompany each image, it is the hand and heart of each individual artist that opens a deeply human dimension to this exhibition.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 105

Hubby clearly was unwilling to trust her with the pills. It was predictable, as it had been twelve hours since his last calming medications had been ingested and they only last three hours.

Damaged Esrog

If the person decides not to buy the item, some consider him henceforth a shomer sachar, liable also for theft, like a borrower after the time, while others consider him a shomer chinam, liable only for negligence, since it turned out that he had no benefit (Sma 200:31).

The New Jews Of Europe

Kristallnacht, when Jewish-owned properties and synagogues in Germany were smashed and set on fire by frenzied mobs, will seem like a mild precursor to what Islamic fundamentalists are going to do to their soon-to-be minority neighbors.

Daf Yomi

Priorities ‘According To Their Wisdom And Their Age’ (Bava Basra 120a)

Navigating Social Seas: Equipping Kids With Essential Social Skills

Children and teens often face significant challenges that make school life difficult. Whether it’s the anxiety of meeting new people, the fear of rejection, or the complexities that come with learning differences like ADHD, these struggles can hinder their ability to form meaningful relationships.

Jewish Press Exclusive Interview: International Jewish Tennis Star Diego Schwartzman Reflects on Illustrious Career,...

With his signature humility and warmth, Schwartzman, a fan favorite, discusses his tennis and Judaism, revealing the unconditional support he's received from around the world.

Where Do I Park My Cash Now That Rates Are Falling?

To determine how best to allocate your funds, it’s important to understand your personal financial goals.

Etrog Boxes – In All Their Cardboard And Silver Glory

In the world of antique Judaica, it appears that containers made specifically for the purpose of holding an etrog is a rather late development, as the oldest verified etrog boxes... date no earlier than the 18th century.

Taking Shelter In G-d’s Sukkah

A sukkah is a symbol of G-d’s protection in the wilderness and the ability to bring Hashem with you everywhere.

A Visually Delightful And Original Examination Of Jewish Holidays

The first unique aspect of Sacred Time is its cover image. While the popular adage tells us not to judge a book by it cover, thought certainly goes into what will grace a book’s cover. After all, this is the first thing a potential reader will see.

18th Century Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabba

A few years prior, an edition printed in Venice for Sephardic Jews did include Selichot, though, as well as the additional Kabbalistic texts, and various editions in the following decades contained a variety of combinations of prayers and readings.

Reinterpreting Misunderstood Aggadic Women

Cursory glances at Talmudic texts are prone to misunderstanding and misreading, which is why many view the Talmudic rabbis as misogynists. Fine is a close and astute reader of these Talmudic texts and shows how many initial Aggadic impressions of these women can often be misread.

National Prayers In Meah Shearim: The Beit Tefilah – Har Tziyon Siddur

As a siddur meant for both religious Zionists and non-Zionist charedim, and much like siddurim of previous generations, the original Beis Tefilah also did not include the national prayers – those said every Shabbat and those said on Israel’s Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Jerusalem Day.

Holocaust Survivors Defy Terror

After the Nazis failed to murder them, Hezbollah tried to do so, but they won’t succeed either, wrote Yaron.

One Mitzvah Leads To Another

Our story takes place in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan in 2014. What?! You never heard of Sault Ste. Marie? The very town of legendary native American fur trapper Ozhaguscodaywayquay.

Women Inspiring Women

Toras Imecha makes a wonderful coffee table book or gift that demonstrates to all women what they can aspire to.


Question: What are the ushpizin and why are there two different versions of their order on Sukkot? Avrohom Zins (Via E-mail)

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Peshat…

He takes the reader on a dazzling historical tour of all those before and after Maharal who objected to the second class status of the study of Tanach and the monopoly that Gemara held over the hours of instruction.

Thoughts To Have While In The Sukkah

This commemoration is considered so vital that, while for most mitzvos it is sufficient simply to have in mind that one is doing the command of Hashem, this is not good enough when it comes to the precept of Sukkah.

Dear Dr. Yael

It is hard to break negative cycles in life. However, you chose to break the negative cycle by working to support your family and loving your wife and children, so that your children are able to grow up in an emotionally healthy home.


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