Both Friends And Foes Should Lower Their Expectations For Trump 2.0

All Americans should support their president when possible and oppose him when necessary. Each side may need to do that in the coming years.

Florence Kahn, The First Jewish Congresswoman And The Antisemitism Of J. Edgar Hoover

As one of the very few women in Congress, Florence, never considered herself a feminist and was never seen as a suffragette.

How The Past Inspires Faith In The Future

The very experience the Avot lacked, their descendants had. The Jewish people in Egypt had the history of Hashem’s interactions with the Avot to build upon. He had fulfilled His promise to give the Avot the land of Israel, and they had successfully inhabited it.

Arctic Chill And A Warm Welcome: Trump Returns To Washington

It wasn’t a union of a superstar and his fans for the first time. It was a gathering of a father with his kids. The anxiety of all the chaos and crazy weather was a thing of the past. A calmness and familiarity settled over the entire arena, easily felt by even a rally first-timer like me.

Trump 47 And Israel

We suspect that much of it has been occasioned by Mr. Trump’s now famous threat that all hell will break out in the Middle East if the hostages were not released by the time of his inauguration.

Food Glorious Food All Around The Capital Complex In Albany

What Lester Chang did [to win his assembly seat in 2022] was good old-fashioned retail politics. He got young men, young women of high school age and college age out there. He went door-to-door.

Why Strive For Greatness?

Hashem was internally good, but He was not actively expressing this goodness by giving or doing good unto others. Hashem chose to express His capacity for doing good unto others by creating man, upon whom Hashem would bestow the ultimate goodness.

Laughter… Take Two!

They know that Mr. Trump didn’t like them much before they tried to assassinate him. They are probably going to find that he dislikes them MUCH more the second time around.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Remin Family – From Riverdale To Ramat Bet Shemesh

All of this led to the day that Jeffrey came home and told Daniella that he really felt the time had come to make aliyah. This time, they really talked it through.

Word Prompt – EMES – Adina Broder

Since real truth is unique to Hashem, the word emes is considered Hashem’s seal or signature.

Word Prompt – EMES – Bin Goldman

This world is a journey of uncovering that infinite truth of who you actually are. When you align with your divine core, you're not becoming something new – you're revealing what was always there.


This staff was given by G-d to Adam HaRishon. It was then passed down from generation to generation, to Shet, Chanoch, Metushelach, Noach, Shem, Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov and then to Yosef.

Word Prompt – EMES – Anat Coleman

Much of the time, people are already aware of the truth of the situation and have avoided thinking about it or taking action until it reaches a crescendo.

Word Prompt – EMES – Gabriel Boxer

I’m proud to be a Jew. I’m proud of my roots and that I get to wear a kippah on my head every day. I’m proud I get to put on tefillin and be part of our amazing religion.

Word Prompt – EMES – Zolly Claman

  Isn’t it ironic that Am Yisrael can’t agree on how to pronounce the word emes – or is it emet? It’s a small detail,...

Too Good to Be True: When Perfect Testimony Raises Red Flags

This raises an important question: When should leaders and authorities confront and rebuke immoral behavior, and when is it wise to remain silent?

American Mosques: Incubators For Terrorism?

Since CAIR, one of 200 unindicted co-conspirators in the Holyland Foundation trial which established that nearly every Muslim institution in America raises funds for terrorism, is estimated to control 90% of American mosques, we can conclude that those mosques serve as incubators for terrorism, and learn the approach they use from the pronouncements of their clergy, the imams.

Blunting Lawfare: A Missed Opportunity

In the light of the self-evident, almost decades long Democrat campaign of conjuring up legal cases against Donald Trump, several of his family members and colleagues, that concern seems rather rich.

The Pilot Within

Sometimes we may wonder why we need to daven so much. Isn’t praying three times a day on a weekday a bit much?

When You Think You Are Alone – You Are Not

I was terrified of the fall that seemed inevitable. Suddenly I felt my hands holding onto a handle which I had not seen before. Now holding onto the handle I was able to steady myself. The crisis was over. Days later I thought that Hashem put my hands on that handle.

Dementia Diary – Chapter 118

Nothing about this morning is upsetting for Hubby. That automatically improves our day immensely. As long as we are vigilant about giving him his dementia medications on time, he can remain on an even keel and quite enjoy his morning regime.

Long Couch

On his way home from work, Mr. Appel pondered the issue. I sense that Mr. Berger is really disappointed, he said to himself. Is it right of us to refuse him?

What Are You Feeling?

Sometimes it is hard to name what you are feeling. Suddenly, you feel hot. You feel a bit of a burning session in your chest and on your neck. You can open a window to cool off, but you might not actually be addressing where that physical manifestation is coming from.

Don’t Be A Squirrel

Unlike King Solomon, I cannot communicate with animals and had to keep my sage advice to myself. Perhaps the next generation of genius, Israeli high tech innovators will figure out animal translation and resolve that dilemma.

Daf Yomi

D’tzach, Adash, B’achav ‘Everyone Is Qualified To Judge’ (Sanhedrin 36b)

The Rebirth Of The Yerach Ben Yomo: The Ishei Yisrael Siddur

Nowadays, stressing the shva na is an accepted and fairly common element in many siddurim. But when Ishei Yisrael appeared, it wasn’t common at all.


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