Sparkling Floors
I was fed up. I had this useless machine taking up space for no reason. I had an ultimatum in my mind that if by chodesh Elul there was no solution, I would bring the machine to my daughter’s house and it could take up space in their home.
Dementia – Chapter 121
When observing the behavior of others, there are very real indicators of the onset of dementia. From personal experience, I feel the need to share a few examples with you.
Relative Testimony
The Torah disqualifies relatives of a litigant from testifying, replied Rabbi Dayan. This applies whether they want to testify to their relative’s benefit or detriment, and even if they are righteous like Moshe and Aharon, who are not suspect to lie (C.M. 33:10).
The Importance Of Playdates
We don’t often think about children at such a young age having social skills, but did you know that you begin to develop social skills from birth?
Daf Yomi
Global Shabbos – Everywhere Simultaneously?
Departing After Shabbos, Arriving On Shabbos
(Sanhedrin 58b)
From Russia To Hebrew Via Yiddish: The Shivchei Ge’ulim Siddur
The different target audiences led to the siddurim being printed in two versions: while the siddurim for olim from the Soviet Union contained the Israeli national prayers, those sent through various clandestine paths to Soviet Jews themselves contained no elements which might anger the Soviet authorities.
Hope Is Not An Investment Strategy
While we should all daven for divine intervention to protect us and help us make good decisions and achieve our goals, I find that, in the realm of personal finance, far too many people seem to rely solely on miracles to secure their financial future.
Q & A: The 25th Yahrzeit Of HaRav Sholom Klass, zt”l
I am sure that after all these years, Rabbi Sholom Klass is looking down, from his lofty abode, upon The Jewish Press and its current progression as a beacon for the Jewish community and its continual support for the State of Israel, and feeling great pride.
Dear Dr. Yael
We all have to make this choice. We can wallow in self-pity or we can do whatever we can to deal with our challenges.
The Super Bowl Playlist
So this Sunday is the big game, and whether you’re hosting a Super Bowl party in your house and looking for the best playlist to dance with your guests during the break, or just watching with friends and family, I’ll have you covered.
65 & 25: The Jewish Press And Rabbi Sholom Klass
Throughout the years, wherever I’ve traveled, I’ve met people who tell me they became religious through the pages of The Jewish Press. Others, who came from small communities devoid of a large Orthodox presence, have told me that as children they waited by their rural mailbox on Thursdays for The Jewish Press.
The Tree Of The Field (Part II)
The overarching texts and principles that guide the Seder Tu B’Shvat are the two trees that were created in the Garden of Eden and the biblical passage stating that the human being is a tree of the field (Devarim 20:19).
My Grandfather Lived By His Dream
My grandfather had a dream of starting a Jewish newspaper in English, to reach millions of Jews all over the world, to bring Torah into their homes, and to be a voice for them and the State of Israel. Together with my grandmother, they were able to achieve this dream, all the while remaining true to Torah and connected to Hashem.
A First Edition Zichron Yosef, Harsh Critic of Chassidut
In his vehement denunciation of chassidut, he goes so far as to label it a cult. He writes, There is no respite from them… they make most of their days holidays… their prayers are unbearable to the ears… they produce various noises… like a monkey to man… G-d save us from them.
Tu B’Shvat 5785: Celebrating Productivity And Resilience
The Jewish people possess unique resilience. While all nations experience decline, Jews are distinguished by their ability to recover and rebuild. Unlike other civilizations that fade after their historical peaks, the Jewish people have consistently risen after setbacks.
Perfect But Single
There is no room for arrogance in dating. There will always be someone prettier, richer, smarter, and more talented than you. There will always be a girl who is more than you. If you do not see these girls, and only see those that are less than you, read this article carefully.
Natural Miracles
Seeing the Egyptians close in on them, the Jews did what they had originally done to escape oppression; they cried out to G-d to save them. But this time, G-d threw the ball into their court and said, “a titzak elei, daber el benei Yisrael veyisau – Why are you crying out to me, speak to the Israelites and let them start moving (14:15).
Culpability Should Be On Hamas! Not Israel!
It is critical to understand that Israel did not seek out this conflict... The objective has always been clear: a stable, peaceful region where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side, with dignity and security.
And The Children Shall Return To Their Borders
At the very beginning of this war we all might have questioned how this terrible tragedy have happened. Why was our army not prepared for such a possibility?
The Status Of A Fetus in Halacha (Part X)
There is a general principle that when one sees someone in the act of violating an aveirah, the witness should warn them before the aveirah takes place. Why then, in the case of rodef, does the Gemara say that hasra’ah is not required?
The Art Of Silence (Part II)
This concept is consistent with the Gemara in Masechtas Sanhedrin that states categorically, Adam la’amal peh nivrah – A person was created primarily for the toil of the mouth. In other words, the greatest arena of achievement in life is in one’s control of their speech.
A Compassionate Heart
In order to perform acts of kindness with each other, they would each have to overlook the deficits and defects of the other.
The Story Of Captain Of The Exodus 1947 And The Ultimate Fate Of The...
The Exodus, an old ferry boat originally called the President Warfield, became a symbol of Aliyah Bet (illegal immigration) – not to be confused with the Second Aliyah – as its famous voyage was designed to call the world's attention to the plight of the hundreds of thousands of Jews left homeless in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
Love-Bombing G-d
As I often remark, the spiritual, physical, and emotional patterns of life are the same, since they are all designed by the same Creator. The image of the smaller flame being drawn to the larger flame reflects the same principle of spiritual excess.
Time For UNWRA To Go
By all logic, with the creation of UNHCR, UNWRA became redundant and should have been dissolved. But it wasn’t. And in retrospect, there was method to the madness.
The Scientific Knowledge Of The Talmudic Sages
Although Rabbi Jacobs’ article alludes to numerous other examples of scientific knowledge, let me conclude by examining a broader area which might be termed practical or applied astronomy.
Flying To Falling: The Raging Battle Within Us All
Cheit ha’egel, the sin of the golden calf, is perhaps the most infamous event in the Torah, a sin compared to the original sin of Adam HaRishon and one that has repercussions throughout Jewish history. Yet, what is most striking about this sin is not the act itself but its timing.