Photo Credit: Flash 90
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked

Why then, following the warmly received decision to finally open up the party to primaries, are they going in the opposite direction? Do you think there are certain people that are trying to prevent your group from getting in?

AS: First of all I respect the tremendous effort of Rabbi Tropper to bring primaries to the party and I also respect the work of the committee. However in this issue I think they made a mistake. Although people were definitely pushing them, in the end it was their decision. They said that it’s for the good of the party in that it will prevent the formation of internal groups.


Nevertheless, we asked for a re-vote of this decision since many voters are not happy with it. Obviously most voters want to choose more than just three candidates.

YM: Let’s assume that everything goes as planned and one day Naftali becomes the Prime Minister of Israel. If this were to happen, what would be your dream role? Would you like to serve as his Foreign Minister? Or perhaps Defense Minister or Finance Minister would suit you better?

AS: I think I’d like to be either Education Minister or Foreign Minister since both education and hasbara are close to my heart. Then again, if Naftali becomes Prime Minister I think I can retire and enjoy life!

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Yoel Meltzer is a freelance writer living in Jerusalem. He can be contacted via