Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Recently, in my work as a mentor through Yeled v’Yalda, I was given her name as someone who could help my client. When I called her, one of the first things she mentioned was that she had been “following me” through the years by reading my articles.

When she was sitting shiva for Michael, she sent word to me. I was recovering from Whooping Cough and could not visit with her but we’ve been in touch.


After I opened my April 8 issue of The Jewish Press I called to tell her that her (stunning) tribute was featured – and that my article about my cousin “Leiby” was on the same page.

We found the totally unexpected placement of our articles very comforting.

Thank you for providing a venue for us to not only express ourselves but to engender comfort in more ways than one.

Penina Metal
(Via E-Mail)


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