Photo Credit:
Jews on selection ramp at Auschwitz, May 1944

Here in Israel, as part of the preparations for Israeli Independence Day, we commemorate the Holocaust in which millions, six million is the accepted number, of Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their allies.

Yad Veshem, tries to avoid the “M word” and uses a passive rather wimpy way of describing those deaths.



This really gets me angry, because I see the verb as the resulting death in a natural disaster:

“…perished in a flood…”
“…perished in an avalanche…”

Nature, or Gd, is at fault, not human hateful and immoral ideology. The use of the word/verb “perish” removes the guilt of the humans behind the Holocaust. And by removing human guilt it makes it easier to deny the continued antisemitism that still exists all over the world.

Many historians bring up the very valid point that the Nazis could not have succeeded with their plan if it not had been for the help, assistance and support of others, especially in the countries it conquered.

It was rare for someone to help and assist Jews trying to hide and flee. After the war, the few survivors who attempted to return to their own homes were on the most part encouraged and urged to quickly flee again, because their neighbors did not want to return their homes and possessions.

Today, headlines still tell us that nothing has changed. Hatred of Jews, antisemitism is all over.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.