No one, of course, knows what might have happened or not happened had Israel never been reborn. But it does seem clear that most of the bad things that occurred in the Middle East in the last 60 years would have taken place anyway.

But could it be that if the Jewish state had never been created, many more horrible things might have happened?


Personally, I suspect so.

* * *

I was struck by the results of an L.A. Times pollon Americans’ views about the conflict in Lebanon published last week.

This was the way the Times reporters wrote the story: “Most Americans consider Israel’s bombing campaign in Lebanon justified, but they are divided about what role the United States should play in the crisis and how closely the nation should align itself with the Jewish state, a Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll has found.”

Let’s look at the numbers. The poll finds 59 percent of Americans think Israel’s actions are justified. But only 49 percent of Democrats do – and nearly half of those consider Israel’s actions excessively harsh.

By nearly a 2-to-1 ratio, however, Republicans believe Israel’s actions are justified.

Overall, 50 percent said the U.S. should continue to align with Israel, while 44 percent backed a more neutral position. But Democrats supported neutrality 54 percent to 39 percent. Republicans supported alignment with Israel by a margin of 64 percent to 29 percent.

Imagine that. Democrats are conflicted about who is right between Israel and Hizbullah. They can’t see right and wrong between these stark contrasts. That’s because, as I’ve pointed out many times, they can’t see right and wrong on any issue. Period. End of story.

Can anyone give me one reason a Jew would continue to vote Democratic in light of this stunning information about the direction of the party’s grass-roots?


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