Dear Settler,

This letter is being sent to you now that my cabinet has voted on and accepted my expulsion demands. The democratically-elected but one-man government of Israel has triumphed once again. As such, you have become expendable.

I will not mince words. The day of the vote was an extremely happy one for me. As you must be aware, the die was cast in favor of ignoring the previous vote against your expulsion from your home. I worked very hard in order to ram my plan down the throats of my cabinet members. Those who protested were shown the door, and those straddling the fence in fear of losing their ministerial chairs finally realized that keeping their positions with all the side benefits and political trimmings is more important than any silly notions of morality and self-respect.

Not for nothing am I known as the ‘bulldozer.’ My ability to outmaneuver the enemy on the field of battle has come in handy in dealing with those I consider the enemies of my ethnic-cleansing plans.

No, I do not refer to the terrorists who are exacting their pound of Jewish flesh and gallons of Jewish blood. No, I do not refer to the self-hating members of Meretz or Shinui or Peace Now. No, I do not refer to Egypt’s double-crossing Mubarak, nor do I refer to those in the media who have vilified me throughout my military and political careers.

No! When I say I outmaneuvered the enemy, I mean you and the other the settlers who are illegally occupying Arab land that we Jews took through armed force. I outmaneuvered your stubborn tactics and your hollow claims.

Sorry, but let this letter should serve as a reminder that your occupation of the land must end.

The Arabs have long insisted that the settlements are the obstacles to peace in our region. The world has long concurred. And, recently, I have come to the conclusion that they are right. Our history, unfortunately, is replete with examples of Jewish obstinacy in demanding what is not ours. In fact, the establishment of the State of Israel was contrary to the will of our neighbors, who demanded that Jews find another area in the world to establish their home.

Through my reading of several Palestinian textbooks I have come to realize that the Arabs settled and built up these once-desolate lands many centuries ago. We really had no business intruding on this pastoral serenity.

In addition, I refuse to allow Arab terror to maintain a stranglehold on us, and I am no longer willing to wait in vain for a ‘peace partner’ on the other side.

You see, I have made the decision to severely punish the terrorists by outmaneuvering them, too. They will not force us from even an inch of land. They will not succeed in dislodging us from even one settlement, one outpost. We will evacuate, expel and dislodge the Jews in the Gaza settlements on our own initiative, on our own time and our own terms. Terror will not win the day.

Gaza will be emptied of its Jews so that the Arabs can understand once and for all that the terror they unleashed did not advance their agenda even one inch. It was we, the Israeli government, that chose to evacuate the lands. We were not going to be thrown out. We have grabbed the initiative in order to dislodge ourselves without any outside help. 

The Arabs must know that lack of serious negotiations will never deter us from surrendering to their demands, albeit on our own schedule. Better late than never, I say.

Never before in my career have I demonstrated as much determination as I’m demonstrating now. My promise to the Palestinian people will be kept. My goal of establishing a viable and prosperous Palestinian state will be carried out.

Vows made to the U.S. must be honored, for who is more powerful in this universe than Uncle Sam? Upon whom can we rely, other than the Americans, to fight our battles? I must do my utmost to ensure that the legacy I leave behind does not include a litany of failures on the road to peace.

I do not apologize for turning my back on long-held principles. Nor do I apologize for the mass expulsions I am prepared to carry out against you and your compatriots – expulsions that will obliterate forty years of building and planting. Nor do I apologize, dear settler, for misleading you for so many years, for not being true to you, for hiding behind a facade, for wearing a mask. Nor do I, or will I, apologize to the thousands who gave their lives for the lands you claim are G-d-given.

In large part it is you, the settlers, who are to blame for the predicament in which you find yourselves. You believed in me and followed me blindly all these years, didn’t you? You are also to blame for your zeal, for your belief in an ancient, archaic, outmoded and irrelevant book. I blame you for being unbending in your determination to resettle the lands that you insist are an inheritance from your forefathers.

And I blame you for not paying more attention to the warnings spoken by people like Meir Kahane, who told you that a time would come when I would turn my back on all that you hold sacred. You laughed and ridiculed the notion. How silly of you!

In closing, I suggest you begin to pack up and rethink your plans so that you may expeditiously evacuate and move elsewhere. And please – do not include Tel Aviv in your plans. It may be next. 


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Isaac Kohn is senior vice president for Prime Care Consultants.