Obama says he is “moved” by normal Iranian citizens who risk their lives to protest a stolen election (and the Islamist theocracy), yet insists on “engaging” the brutal regime once they finish cracking the skulls of its citizens. By Obama’s lights the mullahs can be persuaded to give up their nuclear aspirations if only they will sit down across the table from him.

Obama sees Israel as the problem; you see it correctly as the solution to the problem of Arab fundamentalism and extremism. As you said, “we cannot erase the moral distinctions between tyranny and freedom and we must not edit history.”


Sadly, many in the world and even in our own country would attempt just that – to blur the line between the forces of good and evil. Our president specializes in hiding anti-Israel policy under the cloak of “evenhandedness.” It is not evenhanded to suggest that the life of Palestinians under Israeli “occupation” is or has been anything like the extermination of the Jews under Hitler. It is the cheapest kind of moral equivalency. It is editing history.

Sen. Menendez, may you be blessed by the God of Israel with the strength and courage to keep standing for Israel and the Jewish people.


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Scott Italiaander is a financial adviser and an attorney in Atlanta.