Islamo-Nazis came to Mumbai, and besides attacking major hotels, centers of commerce, and tourist attractions, they went Jew-hunting.

Yes, in a city where Jews are as rare as the Dodo bird, Islamo-Nazis spent months gathering intelligence on where the Orthodox Jews of Mumbai gather and pray, and when the time came they struck at these Jews because they knew there would be no consequences.


They went Jew-hunting because the world has come to accept the murder of Jews as a legitimate political act.

They went Jew-hunting because Israel has displayed, over the past several years, a shameful degree of political and military stupidity.

They went Jew-hunting because the UN has signaled that Israel is a rogue state and the murder of Jews a heroic act.

They went Jew-hunting because the international left has aligned itself with the genocidal Palestinians to such an extent that every act of self-defense by the Jewish state is labeled a war crime.

They went Jew-hunting because they knew there would be no payback – ever.

But now that the shameful Olmert-Livni government is, at last, coming to an end, perhaps a new government will steer a fresh – actually an old – and necessary course.

Israel must take stock of its situation and come to understand, once again, that it is locked in a life and death struggle with international terrorism, of which the Palestinians are but a small cog.

If they kill one Jew, Israel must retaliate and kill a hundred terrorists. If a Jew is murdered by Islamo-Nazis, then every Islamo-Nazi on the planet must know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he or she is a big fat target.

No more fear of using disproportionate response. The definition of war is exactly that, and only a leaky mind demands a policy of national security based on abstract notions of being nice.

The problem for Israel is that its enemies count on the Jewish fear of the use of power. They also count on the Israeli left – surely the world’s most delusional group of people – to enable inaction in the face of proudly genocidal Arab intentions.

The Arabs do not fear or respect Jews or the Jewish state; they have contempt for Israel’s reluctant use of power. And they prove their contempt every single day as they gather useful idiots from Europe and, of course, from Israel, in their skillful propaganda machine that works to undermine the very legitimacy of the Jewish state. This is Jew-hatred disguised as mere “anti-Zionism.”

Think of it: No other state on the face of the earth is faced with such unrelenting hostility. Sudan and Rwanda, guilty of genocide, get a pass. Congo, locked in a barbaric civil war, has a death toll of 50,000 per month; no one cares. Liberia is a death machine so grotesque the mainstream media can’t even bring themselves to write about it.

For too long it has been open season on Jews. During his disastrous tenure, Ehud Olmert enshrined inaction and appeasement as official Israeli doctrine. He and his government allow rockets and missiles to rain on Israel while continuing to supply gas, power and food to Gaza – to the very regime hurling these missiles.

In short, the welfare of Gazans – the very people who voted for the Hamas regime – is, to the Olmert and Livni and their colleagues, of higher value than the welfare of the citizens of Israel.

The first and primary duty of government – any government – is national defense. All else is secondary.

Islamo-Nazis, in a country of hundreds of millions of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, sought out a handful of Jews, a minority of minorities, because they hate Jews, because they want Israel wiped off the face of the earth, and because they have absolutely no fear of retribution.

This calculus must change.

The long arm of Jewish vengeance must be felt in every corner of the world or no Jew will ever be safe.

The Maasai tribe, known for its bravery, lives by a simple code: “He who goes forward into battle may die. He who retreats will surely die.”

Israel must stop retreating.

Or the Jew-hunting will never end.

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Robert J. Avrech is an Emmy Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter and producer. Among his numerous credits are "A Stranger Among Us” and "The Devil's Arithmetic.” His novel "The Hebrew Kid and the Apache Maiden" won the 2006 Ben Franklin Award for Best First Novel and the Association of Jewish Libraries Award for Notable Children's Book of Jewish Content. His eBook memoir “How I Married Karen” has garnered rave reviews as a delightfully unorthodox Orthodox love story. His website is Seraphic Secret (