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The science of graphology/handwriting analysis reveals every facet of the writer’s personality – level of integrity, mental and physical health, measure of intelligence, degree of self-control, personal inclinations, etc. Apply these to make The Write Choice on Election Day in the Mayoral contest.

The two leading candidates for mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio and Joe Lhota, are intelligent, motivated and tenacious, with outsized egos and ambition. Both are mature, quick and decisive and take a direct route to problem solving.


Lhota has his emotions kept under strict control at all times, his behavior restrained almost to the point of rigidity. When he decides on a goal nothing will stop him from pursuing it; almost like a horse wearing blinders he pushes on, seeing nothing but the goal. No doubt he will follow through on what he starts out to do.

He believes only what he sees. He’s not particularly imaginative but he has a pragmatic outlook. Takes things literally, often missing the irony in subtle humor. Opinionated and sarcastic.

Motivated by a need for security, he first makes sure the basic essentials are handled before attending to anything else. He focuses on getting food on the table, money in the bank, etc. Yet no matter how much he stockpiles, it never seems enough to make him feel secure. Physically restless, he needs variety and change. Ready to explore new relationships and experiences.

Knowing what to expect allays his anxiety to some degree. Handles unexpected events without getting distracted and finds ways around obstacles and gets back on track. Uses common sense. Generally calm and emotionally steady, well balanced and reasonable. Knows how to express emotions when it’s appropriate and hold back when it’s not.

Reads a lot. Little innovation or revolutionary ideas. Not interested in broadening horizons, recycles the ideas and concepts already in his repertoire. Contemplates a narrow range of thought. Can’t deal with the unconventional and needs time to assimilate major changes.

Bill de Blasio is imaginative and exudes enthusiasm and a spirit of adventure. Pragmatic reality and security are not extremely important. Focuses more on the possibilities and what might be than on what already exists. More concerned with the theoretical than the practical. More idealistic than realistic.

Intelligent and ambitious. If he thinks there is more to learn about a subject he finds interesting, he will devote all his energy to understanding it. Harbors a plethora of ideas of right and wrong.

A dreamer, with a wealth of theories he cannot always carry through in practical experience. Can’t always make up his mind. He wants to believe he is going to follow the rules he overtly champions, but when it comes right down to it, he prefers to practice independence. When his point of view is challenged, won’t necessarily take a firm stand. Avoids conflict at all cost.

He is searching for greatness and reaching for the stars. Dissatisfied with who he is, so he often look outside himself to get his needs met. Even small things affect him in a big way. Hypersensitive to criticism and extremely self-critical. Wants everyone to know he is clever. Doesn’t expend a lot of energy pursuing creature comforts.

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Dr. Ari Korenblit is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice, a graphologist/handwriting expert and a Supreme Court-certified document examiner. He can be contacted at 212-721-4608 or [email protected].