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In December 2010 a young Tunisian, Mohamed Bouazizi, set himself on fire and ignited Islamic-fueled fire storms that have scorched the Middle East. As of January 1st 2014, Al Qaeda Iraq, under the command of Abu Bakre al-Baghdadi, having defeated the 1st and 7th divisions of the American trained Iraqi Army, is in now in control of central Iraq, and al-Baghdadi is preparing to announce an Islamic Caliphate. This, of course, provides Al Qaeda Syria, under the leadership of Abu Muhamad al-Julan the strategic depth it needs to survive, and a territorial continuity from Iraq all the way to Israel’s borders. So why is the world so obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian problem?

Given a radical Islamic, Al Qaeda lead, entrenched presence from Morocco to Pakistan, even those who previously honestly believed that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would bring peace to the world, can no longer hold this position.


Of all the atrocities, genocide, and mass massacres that are going on now, and have been going on for decades on our enlightened planet, why is the world so preoccupied with Israeli settlements? Why in the face of so much Islamic-fueled hate and violence, does the world remain so intent on resolving, what is in the grand scope of world conflicts, a relatively minor one, and bent on doing so at the cost of Israel?

In a world filled with so many victims, and with so many tragic causes to champion, the Palestinian plight surely does not merit a top billing. And yet, despite the extreme and unprecedented efforts by Israel to adhere to a humane code of both military and civilian conduct in it’s dealings with the Palestinians, Israel is considered the villain, and the Palestinians have consistently been the preferred recipients of both world sympathy and attention.

So, if by any measurable scale of logic, Palestinian suffering does not measure up to a top billing, the problem may boil down to a Jewish Problem instead. Could it simply be a case of hatred of Mordechai, rather than one of love of Haman that keeps the pressure on Israel by the US and European Union, to accept an agreement which jeopardizes it’s very survival?

Despite the fact that Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda (all committed to Israel’s destruction) are now physically surrounding Israel, absurdly, the sticking points of a ‘would be’ agreement between Israel and the Palestinians appear to be centered on security arrangements. The Palestinians (soon to become Al Qaeda Palestine) object to what Israelis consider the minimum security requirements for Israel’s survival in the event of future break down of the peace accord with a people that has been heavily invested in the industry of hating Jews and educating generations of Palestinian children to the worship of terror.

Israeli security requirements are based on three basic needs; an early warning system (which includes warning of an Iranian missile attack); deterrence (against outside Islamic expeditionary forces entering the new state and joining in with the Palestinians); the ability to achieve a quickly and decisive victory in the event of a future war. Surprisingly (or not), the US is mounting extraordinary pressure on Israel (soon to be reinforced by visits to Israel by British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel) to give in on security needs for the sake of an understanding of a framework of peace with a party that continues to refuse acknowledgment of the Jewish State’s right to exist.

With Iran about to go nuke on the one hand, and Al Qaida gaining ground in the entire region, Israel is caught in a dilemma; rejecting the American proposed agreement with the Palestinians and being subjected to President Barack Obama’s vengeful wrath if and when it’s time to strike Iran, or succumbing to America’s pressure and leaving Israel vulnerable to a future Palestinastan.

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