Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leading the weekly cabinet meeting.

I understand that many defenders of Israel believe there’s no point in taking the higher road, in looking reasonable while the Palestinians look belligerent, because the international community will always blame Israel for everything.

But ideas have to start somewhere.


And Netanyahu has reinvigorated an idea, or at least he will have done so if the media catch on and give it its due.

The proposal is simple and certainly just: Israel will negotiate with the Palestinians for the creation of a Palestinian state, but the state must not be Judenrein. Jews should be allowed to live in their homes.

But this idea must grow; it must break through.

So if you’re in a position to spread the idea, please speak out, call out, write out.

No Palestinian state unless Jews are allowed to live there as free men and women, just as Muslims and Christians freely walk the streets (and vote and work and go to school and become members of Knesset) in the Jewish state.


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Shlomo Greenwald is the senior editor of The Jewish Press.