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In Israel we have seen darkness and we have seen light. We have seen demons and evil, and we have seen heroes and angels. This war for civilization which began on October 7th, the Am Israel war has seen so many heroes.

It is said anyone who saves a life is as if he has saved an entire world. Rami Davidian is an Israeli Jewish hero, a farmer who saved 750 lives at the Nova Festival. Israelis were partying, dancing – and came under attack. Rami Davidian is a man whose name should be remembered forever.


The Nova festival attack would have been much worse if not for Rami. Rami is a farmer from Moshav Patish, which is located only a few minutes away from where the Nova festival was held. He received a call before 7 AM with an urgent message, to rescue a friend’s son from the massacre at the rave and without hesitating, he drove there. And on his first trip, 15 people climbed into his car to be saved, terrified, scared, some injured, they climbed into his trunk sat on the roof, and escaped to safety. As he describes it, he made countless trips, eventually saving hundreds of people.

Some stayed in his home until their parents came to get them, and without weapons or bullet-proof vests, he drove again and again and again to rescue people.  They were hiding in the bushes, scared as their friends had been raped, slaughtered, massacred in front of their eyes. And Rami simply navigated the back roads which he knew from being a farmer and a lifelong resident of Moshav Patish. And as he describes, people climbed into his car missing limbs, in terrible condition.

His phone kept ringing, message after message after message from people hiding. Sharing their location via WhatsApp, whispering voicenotes so they wouldn’t be found. Rami walked, crawled, drove and did whatever he could to rescue people.  Parents and loved ones calling him nonstop begging him to save people.

And on trip he was confronted by Palestinian terrorists, who he lied to and said he was Muslim.  Speaking Arabic which he knows from his many years of working in the Palestinian areas, he told the terrorists to give him the girl they were holding and run away before the Israelis capture them- and they did. He saved the child who climbed in his car. In another case, he threw a rock at the terrorists and rescued a young woman from their grasp.

He saw rapes and murders, bodies, and horrible things. And yet, somehow, he continued and kept going. From Saturday morning until Sunday night, he wandered that forest endlessly saving people. When he couldn’t find people, he closed people’s eyes who were dead, he evacuated bodies to ensure they wouldn’t be eaten by coyotes.  Things one can’t even describe or discuss are the things that Rami did.

One can write these words – but as one understands the magnitude of what he did, these are simply the things of a James Bond action movie. Rami has hundreds of messages on his phone. All over Israel people thank him for the heroism he exhibited and, lives he saved. All of these souls, and their offspring will live because of the heroism of the great Israeli Jewish Zionist Rami Davidyan.

Rami Davidian is simply a hero.  Rami:  Thank you. You are a hero of the Jewish people. I am so blessed to have been able to have met you.

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Ronn Torossian is Founder and CEO of 5WPR, a leading PR Firm in New York and one of the 20 largest independently owned agencies in the United States. Ronn is an active Jewish philanthropist through his charity organization, the Ronn Torossian Foundation.