I regret to report on the ascendance of an American Jewish version of Replacement Theology and a corresponding new American Jewish Bible. These have been adopted primarily in the Reform and secular sectors, as well as in the overlapping wider societal groups of Democrat Party faithful, academia, and the media establishment.

The new American Jewish Bible is the newspaper, and to a lesser degree, broadcast media outlets such as National Public Radio, the Public Broadcasting System, and commercial television networks. But this new American Jewish Bible is actually a false prophet.


As there are different translations of both the Torah and the Christian Bible, the newspaper comes in different geographic versions (New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, etc.). And the broadcast networks each proselytize different versions of the same message.

This new American Jewish Bible pervasively influences, if not regulates, the life of those who have succumbed to its dominion. How often are you approached with the question, “Did you see in The Paper…?” or “with the declaration, “The Paper said…”? Undoubtedly considerably more often than “The Torah says…”

How often do these people take their cues from The Paper as opposed to the Torah? How much time do they spend reading The Paper or viewing its electronic equivalent as opposed to any genuine Judaic source?

It has been claimed that Islam has been hijacked by extremists. While that may be true, it is clear that Judaism has been hijacked – by leftist interests, including the media.

How else to explain, for example, the widespread support in the Jewish community for same-sex marriage when the Torah dictates quite the opposite?

Readers of The Paper are influenced by it in almost every area of life, from public and political affairs to pop culture and science (“global warming” is real and bad).

Indeed, some years ago The Paper in all its geographic variants deliberately determined that it could best hook the most readers by diversifying from a focus on news to expound on a wide variety of lifestyle areas.

After faithfully subscribing to and reading the same newspaper every day of every week for decade after decade, it is only natural that people would come to think what The Paper tells them to think and how to think it.

Of course, some may religiously follow The Paper or a broadcast because at some point in time they found it provided views they thought to be valid or views they wanted to hear. But these faithful probably do not represent a majority of readers and viewers – if only because historically there has been very real little choice in the range of views available in the media.

An irony that would be amusing if not for the severity of its implications relates to the view of society’s elites that religious fundamentalists tend to be uneducated and uninformed. The unfortunate fact is that it is the followers of the American media – The Paper and the broadcasters – who are remarkably ignorant and uninformed.

Just one example: Polls reported that the majority of Obama voters did not even know the Democratic Party had majority control of Congress for the last two years. This misinformation did not stem from these voters studying their Bibles; they were being “informed” by The Paper and the broadcasters.

An obvious conclusion is that in informing the voting public of the fundamental issues in the election, The Paper (in all its geographic variants) and the broadcasters were miserable failures.

And these media to which so many American Jews look with reverence are the comfortable homes to every variety of Israel hater and anti-Semite. For a taste of who is getting their “information” from The Paper, take a look at the comments posted on the website of the Washington Post, for example, about any article relating to the Middle East, Israel or Jews.

While The Paper and the broadcasters have huge (though declining) followings, they are indeed false prophets. We must do all we can to counter them. That would include accepting what they or their followers say only with the greatest degree of skepticism, searching for and utilizing alternative sources of information, and working to deprogram them and their followers at every opportunity.

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