This is the same Meyer, himself a Holocaust survivor, who argues that “the earliest cause for anti-Semitism is situated in Jewry.” The German-Jewish journalist Henryk M. Broder has called Meyer an “expert on applied Judeophobia.”

The German school, named after the Jewish teenager Anne Frank who was murdered in Bergen-Belsen, boasts on its website that from her name a program has been established as a “point of reference for value assessments.”


My phone and e-mail queries seeking a comment from Gunnar Weykam, a teacher at the school who runs the exchange program and coordinates Palestinian projects, as to why the school traffics in anti-Israel activities, were not answered.

A foundation designed to compensate victims of the Holocaust and combat anti-Semitism has run amok with anti-Israel programs that downplay the Holocaust and delegitimize Israel. The perversity of EVZ activities would defy the imaginations of Kafka and Orwell.

Benjamin Weinthal is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. His work has appeared in a variety of media outlets including The Jewish Press, The Weekly Standard, The New Republic, National Review Online and The Wall Street Journal Europe.


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Benjamin Weinthal is a Writing Fellow for the Middle East Forum.