Photo Credit: Jewish Press

When summer arrives and we make the decision to reside in the country during this time, it’s always easier and a pleasure to go with good friends. My first trek to the country started about 35 years ago and I went with a group of friends. We had a great time as the kinderlech either went to day camp or ran around, while the mothers, who then didn’t travel back to the city at all, sat around a circle and did needlepoints and drank coffee. At night we played mahjongg and we had a very enjoyable summer.

Now all these years later, my group of five friends still remained as such, as we meet periodically for lunch dates all year round, but at some point most went different summer directions. One friend and I travelled together until today to several bungalow colonies, and our friendship keeps growing. It’s nice to have someone you can always count on, as that’s how old friendships are. It’s a pleasure and a wonder to see our grandchildren who are the same age connect. They have became very good friends. I marvel when I see it, and recollect seeing our children together at that age.


This summer, this particular friend had her own marvel. She advised me before the summer she might not be there in July, and would let me know at the proper time as to the reason – she claimed it was good, I shouldn’t worry. I certainly was taken aback as I couldn’t imagine what this news was going to be, and worry I did.

A week before the country, she called me and said, “Esther I will not be there in July because tomorrow I am giving my husband a Kidney.” What a shock to hear about this situation and more so that she was a MATCH! Wow, I was blown away.

Baruch Hashem all worked out well and they are doing both fine recuperating now. The wife is fine, back to her regular exercise, work, etc. after a few short weeks. Husband, recipient, is still recuperating a little but starting to resume his regular schedule. What a miracle from Hashem for both of them. All their children offered to be donors but mom was having none of it.

I recently went to their seudas hodaah (party giving thanks to Hashem for a miracle) and the husband spoke beautifully about his wife, claiming that in June of 1971 Hashem planned for him to wed his kidney donor, and what a donor she was, his rock from beginning of marriage until now.

His children spoke about the kibud av v’aem they learned from their parents during this time. Before and after the surgeries, the concern of these parents were their mothers, since baruch Hashem they both have elderly mothers. They called family gatherings as to as when should tell them? Should they tell them at all and many other related concerns.

The son commented during his speech that after the surgery when they were together the first time, after the usual How are You feeling to each other, again he heard same conversation, When should we tell our mothers, etc. The children were amazed at what was uppermost on their mind. These same children spent day and night at their parents’ bedside until they were recuperated enough to function independently in the hospital and at home afterward.

One thought the husband said at this seudah that stands out in my mind. “Hashem plans the refuah before he plans the maka.” Obviously, when this couple got married, that was the case. The refuah was already in place.

What a beautiful tale and another miracle we see hashem perform.

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