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In this week’s Parsha, Hashem tells Avraham to look at the stars. Hashem informs Avraham, “So too will be your offspring.” What does this promise mean that the Jewish people will be like stars? Rav Zelig Pliskin, shlita, explains: The Baal Shem Tov says that the Jewish descendants of Avraham are like stars. When one looks at a star from a great distance, the stars appear to be mere tiny specks. However, as we all know, in space these stars are gigantic. They are these huge, massive stars. So, too, in this world, says the Baal Shem Tov, many people look very small. But in reality, every person – no matter how small or insignificant he may look, has huge greatness!

It is vital for us to realize that each and every person that we encounter is a constellation! Every single person is a galaxy! Every person is a universe! When you look at another person, realize that he is like a star. He might seem small to you. He might not appear as having accomplished very much. One must gain an awareness of the great potential of each person. One must view each person as an entire world, an enormous cosmic being! This can give someone the encouragement he needs to live up to his potential greatness.


 After a meeting, Rav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l and Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l stood outside a car discussing who would sit next to the driver and who would sit in the back seat. Rav Yaakov took the front seat and Rav Moshe sat in the back. After Rav Moshe exited the car, Rav Yaakov explained to the driver, “We were clarifying who would be getting off first. That person, we decided, would sit in the back. If he would sit in the front, the longer-riding passenger would be in the back leaving you alone at the wheel, making you look like a chauffeur. That’s not the case. We appreciate your importance, and we didn’t want to compromise your dignity! Rav Yaakov and Rav Moshe did this just to make the man feel special! (Growth Through Torah) Please email us at [email protected] to send us feedback or subscribe to our email. Good Shabbos!


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Aryeh is the publisher of Parsha Knowledge, a weekly newsletter with Torah thoughts, stories, and inspiration on the weekly Parsha. Visit