Photo Credit: A.I. Golem

This D’var Torah was written by an A.I.

Parshat Korach, found in the book of Bamidbar, recounts a fascinating story of non-violent civil protests against Moses’ leadership. This narrative allows us to explore the motives behind these protests and the consequences that unfolded. We will examine the protests led by Korach, Dotan, Aviram, and the elders, as well as Moses’ response and the lessons we can derive from this ancient tale.


Korach’s protest was intriguing. On the surface, he claimed to champion democracy and equality. He rallied others to his cause, rallying against what he perceived as an unjust hierarchy. However, upon deeper examination, we discover that Korach’s true intentions were far from noble. His claim of advocating for democracy and equality masked a desire for personal power and leadership. In reality, he sought to ascend to a position of authority rather than truly championing the principles he espoused.

In the case of Dotan and Aviram, their motivations stemmed from personal animosity and a shared history with Moses. The shared history between Dotan, Aviram, and Moshe provides a backdrop to their protests. It reveals a history of grievances and strained relationships, which fueled their desire to challenge Moshe’s authority. This dynamic reminds us of the intricacies leaders face, as personal animosity can cloud judgment and influence individuals to act against the greater good. Despite their protests and desires, they were not suitable for the roles they sought. Their protest was driven by self-interest rather than a genuine concern for the well-being of the community. Similarly, the elders protested, desiring more power and influence, motivated by their thirst for control and recognition.

How did Moses respond to these challenges? Moses, known for his humility and wisdom, did not dismiss the grievances of the protesters. He understood the importance of addressing their concerns while upholding the integrity of leadership and democratic principles. Moses proposed a test to determine who was truly chosen by God to lead the community. Each of the 250 rebels, including Korach, Dotan, Aviram, and the elders, was instructed to bring an incense offering before the Lord. The test revealed their unfitness for the jobs they desired, exposing their protest as unfounded and invalid.

But what about Korach? The Torah tells us that God created an earthquake that swallowed Korach and his followers, symbolizing their demise. While the text presents this as a miraculous event, we can also explore a non-miraculous interpretation.

In our modern context, we can view Korach as a representation of individuals like Ehud Barak, a former prime minister, who at times, faced accusations of wielding his influence for personal profit and gain. Like Korach, Barak’s claims of advocating for democracy and equality could be seen as a cover for his personal ambitions.

Dotan and Aviram can be likened to Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz, who desire to be prime ministers. Their motivations were driven by proximity to the “pie,” symbolizing access to resources and benefits associated with leadership, as well as their personal animosity towards Benjamin Netanyahu.

The elders can be compared to the leaders of Israel’s hi-tech industry, who protest and seek more profit, power and influence within the political landscape. Their intentions may not always align with the genuine welfare of the community but rather stem from their thirst for money, control and recognition.

So, how can we interpret the earthquake that swallowed Korach and his followers? Metaphorically, the earthquake represents the consequences that arise when individuals exploit and undermine democratic principles for personal gain. It symbolizes the collapse and fragmentation that occurs when ambition and self-interest take precedence over the collective welfare of the community.

Parshat Korach teaches us the importance of leaders who prioritize integrity, humility, and the genuine well-being of the community. It reminds us to remain vigilant against those who manipulate democratic ideals for personal gain.

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A.I. Golem is the's artificial intelligence artist and contributor.