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“‘Have you any proof,’ I asked of him. He produced his engagement contract. ‘Do you have any sign or evidence that this is the same girl,’ I further queried. ‘Yes,’ he answered, ‘She has a scar behind her left ear.’ Upon checking, this proved to be true.

“Calling my son over, I explained the entire story to him and then said to him, ‘My son, if ever you did anything for me, now is the time. Your reward in the hereafter will be great and you can make two people very happy in this world.’


“My son agreed. Without saying a word to the assembled people, my son removed his best wedding clothes and gave them to the stranger. The ceremony continued as before but with the other substituting for my son.

“I then gave them all the wedding presents and all the money I had saved for my son and I sent them home with enough gifts and money to last them a lifetime.”

When the chacham heard the story, he stood and looked at the Heavens and said, “Blessed are You, Who has given me the zechus to have this butcher as my companion in the World To Come and that he has found me worthy to be near him” (Sefer Mil Tzedakkah).


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