Photo Credit: Jewish Press

“This is no dream,” he said. “It is only a riddle and this is what the answer is.

“The four cedars represent the four legs of your bed.


“The four sycamores represent the four sideboards.

“The straw is that which you place under it for softness.

“As for the donkey – that is the simplest thing. It represents you who sleeps on it.”

The Kusi swore at Rabi Yishmael and said, “Because you have spoken these words to me, know that I shall not rest until I have had revenge upon you or your fellow Jews.”

To which Rabi Yishmael replied, “This being so, I shall add to my original words. When you get into your bed tonight you shall not rise from it.”

So it was. The Kusi died that very night.


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