Photo Credit: Mudar Zahran for

Welcome to the Heartland of Israel and welcome back to my show this is David Ha’ivri, A Hebrew in the Heartland on Israel News Talk Radio every Tuesday at 6 p.m. Israel time. The show of course is available on the archive and I urge you to share the show with your friends on social media. If you are enjoying it let your friends know, they should be enjoying it too. Feel free to send me any feedback and comments.

We’re going to be having a very special show today. I was at Ariel University yesterday at a very important meeting I’m going to be telling you all about it in the first segment of the show. Later on the show I’ll to be speaking about the Jordan Option. Can we establish an alternative to the two-state delusion in Jordan? Is it foreseeable to see two states living side-by-side in peace with the Jordan River in between them? Israel on this side and Jordan on the other side. Judea and Samaria of course always to be part of the Heartland of Israel.
On this issue I’ll be speaking with Jordanian/Palestinian dissident a man who received political asylum in the UK because he promotes the idea of living in peace with Israel. He is considered a threat to the Hashemite Kingdom of a trans Jordan. We’ll be speaking with Mudar all about this project and all about a conference that he is spearheading in Jerusalem on October 17th at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center.


I will also be speaking with Ted Belman, Israel Advocate and Information Specialist who has a weekly email blast called Israpundit and a blog by the same name if you are not receiving this yet you should sign up.

A Hebrew in the Heartland 19Sept2017 – PODCAST

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