Israel Inspired: The Temple Mount Revolution [audio]

Get ready for a mass gathering and ascension to the Temple Mount this Sukkot with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel on Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: A Jew’s Journey of Discovery [audio]

Listen to a journey like you’ve never heard before. A journey of communes, hitchhiking, witches and then discovering of Jewish roots. Joshua Safran joins Ari Abramowitz and shares his story on today's Israel Inspired.

Why Does Europe Embrace Islam While They Condemn Israel? [audio]

Get ready for a deeply spiritual and penetrating analysis from Rabbis Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel into one of the most perplexing questions of our times.

Israel Inspired: The Journey to Loving the Land [audio]

Continuing on his journey to the mountain top, listen in as Jeremy Gimpel shares his experience with Ari Abramowitz today on Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: The Hidden Blessings of UNESCO’s Curses [audio]

What is the connection to the United Nations delegitimizing Israel, calling Jews the occupying power in Jerusalem in the have to do with the Torah portion of Balak. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss this and more on Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: How Christian Volunteers Saved the Lives of Two IDF Soldiers

Listen to a story of how the lives of non Jewish volunteers were changed forever, how they saved the lives of 2 IDF soldiers. This is a story, a sign, of what the future holds for Israel & the nations of the world.

Israel Inspired: The Book of Ezra – A Modern Day Map for the End...

Tune in to discover the keys to unlock one of the most overlooked books in Tanach and reveal the inspiration and guidance in the words of prophets for our generation, the generation of Mashiach

Israel Inspired: The Kotel Controversy, Confusing Converts & Seeing the World with Mashiach Eyes...

It seems we're more divided than ever before from Reform fury over the Kotel compromise to Ultra-Orthodox rage at the IDF draft. Today on Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss could the key to redemption be hidden within this internal Jewish strife?

Israel Inspired: What’s Driving Trump’s Peace Plan in the Middle East? [audio]

Today on Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss President Trump's upcoming trip and ask the question, why is Trump pushing "peace" with the Palestinians?

Israel Inspired: Jeremy Corbyn and The Unforgivable Sin [audio]

On this episode of Israel Inspired Rabbis Ari Abramowitz & Jeremy Gimpel seek to understand how the Jewish people can tackle the greatest challenge facing the Jewish people and the world today.

Israel Inspired: What Does the World Really Want from the Jews? [audio]

How should the Jewish People contend with the epic challenges facing us today? Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel challenge the prevailing sentiment regarding how to engage European leftists, Christian missionaries, and others causing harm to Israel on today's Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: What Connects David Duke and Louis Farrakhan’s Support for Donald Trump? [audio]

After the global shock that is the Trump election, unpredictable alliances are forming. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss what is in store for the days ahead on today's Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.

Israel Inspired: How The Fire Wars of Israel Will Change Everything [audio]

Are attacks like this in store for America and the rest of the world? In just a few days over 32,000 acres of forest burned to the ground, hundreds of homes destroyed, thousands of people have been removed from their homes, and a nation has been traumatized on this weeks Israel Inspired.

The Supermoon, Passover, Prophecy and Return

"And the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times as strong, like the light of seven days, on the day that Hashem bandages the injury of His people and heals the wound of his blow."

Israel Inspired: Finding Your Story Within Israel’s Story [audio]

How we can awaken from our slumber and make sense out of the injustice and confusion of our times? Listen as Prime Minister Netanyahu boldly exposes the world's double standard against Israel. This and more on this week's Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel on The Land of Israel Network.

Israel Inspired: Why Did Israel Arrest an IDF Soldier Who Killed a Terrorist? [audio]

On today's Israel Inspired Rabbis Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discussed Israel’s approach to fighting Jihad & the controversial story of how Israel is handling the IDF soldier who neutralized a terrorist in Hebron.

Israel Inspired: Do Jews Believe in “Turning the Other Cheek”? [audio]

Is “turning the other cheek” really a Biblical value? A moral one? On today's Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel.

Israel Inspired: 34 Dead in Brussels – Are American Jews in Danger? [audio]

On this weeks Israel Inspired, as Ari returns from his tour in the US and Jeremy from Europe, they share their powerful experiences and the messages they imparted. How did American Jews react to hearing this uncomfortable message.

Israel Inspired: Gaining What You Can’t Lose [audio]

Listen in as Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel share the painful, yet priceless, journey of putting it all on the line to answer the calling. Today on Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: Trump, the Saudi’s, and Israel vs. Putin, Iran, and Syria – WWIII?...

Something big is about to happen and that something deep must be learned. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel connect the dots between the global inferno unfolding around Syria and the personal tragedies unfolding all around them on this weeks Israel Inspired.

How Albert Einstein defeated the Greek Empire – Hanukkah Special [audio]

Tune in to this Hanukkah special to find out how Albert Einstein’s paradigm shattering discovery of E=MC2 dealt a final blow in the age old battle between the Hellenists and the Hebrew prophets.

Israel Inspired: The Struggle for Amona – A Biblical Perspective [audio]

On today's Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel expose the spiritual battle as well as the moral obligation to resist the destruction of the Jewish community of Amona.

Israel Inspired: Is Israel Building Another Golden Calf? [audio]

Today we struggle to understand how the newly born Nation of Israel went and built the Golden Calf. Yet has the modern state of Israel has fallen victim to this same impulse?

Psalm 46: A Messianic Transitional Mindset [Biblical Destiny Now with Jeremy Gimpel]

People around the world (me included), are feeling whiplash from the sudden stop we are all experiencing. The chaos of Corona has hit the breaks on the roller-coaster of life and now that the train has stopped, people are feeling dizzy.

Israel Inspired: Tectonic shifts in Temple Consciousness [audio]

What is actually standing in the way of the rebuilding of the temple? Listen to Israel Inspired with Rabbi's Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimple on The Land of Israel Network to find out!

Israel Inspired: Amona: The Inside Story [audio]

Ari and Jeremy speak with the people of Amona to understand the depth and dimension of the travesty that is unfolding in the Jewish State. Why is the beautiful Jewish city of Amona slated to be demolished at any moment?

Israel Inspired: Donald Trump’s Talit and the Month of Radical Transformation [audio]

Why did a Christian Pastor give Donald Trump a Talit, prayer shawl, on national TV and what does it have to do with the month of Elul? And more, this week on Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.

Is Being “Politically Correct” a Biblical Value? [audio]

There is an emerging code in the modern world which seeks to control and dictate the words we use and the ideas we share.

LIVE! Livestream from the Temple Mount [video]

Join Ari and Jeremy and hundreds more as they ascend up to the Temple Mount at 9 AM - Live Stream!


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