Israel Inspired: Nikki Haley’s UN Jerusalem Showdown & The Leader Israel is Waiting For...

There is an historic battle waging between the Nations over Jerusalem. Today on Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel analyze this battle and reveal how and why the Trump Declaration is going to change the world forever.

Israel Inspired: The Kotel Controversy, Confusing Converts & Seeing the World with Mashiach Eyes...

It seems we're more divided than ever before from Reform fury over the Kotel compromise to Ultra-Orthodox rage at the IDF draft. Today on Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss could the key to redemption be hidden within this internal Jewish strife?

Every Jew a .22 [audio]

In this episode we look at the gun issue through a Biblical prism and explain why bearing arms in these times is not merely a privilege, but a responsibility.

Israel Inspired: Trump, the Saudi’s, and Israel vs. Putin, Iran, and Syria – WWIII?...

Something big is about to happen and that something deep must be learned. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel connect the dots between the global inferno unfolding around Syria and the personal tragedies unfolding all around them on this weeks Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: How Christian Volunteers Saved the Lives of Two IDF Soldiers

Listen to a story of how the lives of non Jewish volunteers were changed forever, how they saved the lives of 2 IDF soldiers. This is a story, a sign, of what the future holds for Israel & the nations of the world.

Meet the Jew who saved 149 Christian Lives [audio]

Hear the story of Aron Shaviv share the harrowing story of how he helped save the lives of 149 Christians.

Israel Inspired: The Struggle for Amona – A Biblical Perspective [audio]

On today's Israel Inspired Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel expose the spiritual battle as well as the moral obligation to resist the destruction of the Jewish community of Amona.

Israel Inspired: What are German Gentiles Building in Judea? [audio]

German non-Jews and Jews worked side by side, learned together and ate together in a historic gathering between two peoples who were not long ago fierce enemies. Learn more on today's Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.

Israel Inspired: What Connects David Duke and Louis Farrakhan’s Support for Donald Trump? [audio]

After the global shock that is the Trump election, unpredictable alliances are forming. Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss what is in store for the days ahead on today's Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.

Israel Inspired: In Those Days in These Times [audio]

Today on Israel Inpsired Rabbis Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel connect the dots between Hanukkah, Joseph and the miracle unfolding in the hills of Judea.

The Supermoon, Passover, Prophecy and Return

"And the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times as strong, like the light of seven days, on the day that Hashem bandages the injury of His people and heals the wound of his blow."

Israel Inspired: Politically Correct vs. Biblically Correct [audio]

This week on Israel Inspired we will meet Josh Hasten the host of our newest show on The Land of, "Israel Uncensored". It's the truth. It's bold, unapologetic and politically incorrect. No filter. It's the untold story of Israel.

Israel Inspired: Obama/UN vs. Netanyahu/Israel – Who Wins? [audio]

The world has convened in the United Nations and fired the first shot aimed directly for the heart of the nation of Israel. Ari & Jeremy go through the five pronged attack on Israel and both the dangers and opportunities it presents on today's Israel Inspired.

Chutzpah or Miracle? Why Did Israel Claim Responsibility for Destroying Syria’s Nukes? [audio]

Why does the experience of miracles in our lives always fade away? What’s the root and deeper meaning hiding beneath Israeli Chutzpah? Plus a sneak preview of Ari & Jeremy’s new music album! Today on Israel Inspired with Jeremy Gimpel.

Israel Inspired: How The Fire Wars of Israel Will Change Everything [audio]

Are attacks like this in store for America and the rest of the world? In just a few days over 32,000 acres of forest burned to the ground, hundreds of homes destroyed, thousands of people have been removed from their homes, and a nation has been traumatized on this weeks Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: From Memorial Day to Independence Day in Israel [audio]

Tune in to a special edition of Israel Inspired when Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss the roller-coaster of emotions that Israeli's take this time of year, from remembering to celebration.

Israel Inspired: What Made Abraham the Most Influential Man in History? [audio]

Explore the epic journey of Abraham and Sarah and how it changed the world forever and still effects us today on Israel Inspired with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel.

Israel Inspired: Trump & Netanyahu – Behind Closed Doors [audio]

Is the 2 State solution dead? Can Israel build in Judea and Samaria? Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel discuss the historic meeting between President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu, and the many unanswered questions on today's Israel Inspired.

LIVE! Livestream from the Temple Mount [video]

Join Ari and Jeremy and hundreds more as they ascend up to the Temple Mount at 9 AM - Live Stream!

Israel Inspired: What’s the Story with these Torah Observant Gentiles? [audio]

Torah studying gentiles who love Israel and the Jewish people! What is at the core of this movement? What is the motivation? On the latest Israel Inspired on The Land of Israel Network.

Israel Inspired: The “Holy City” of Tel Aviv?!? [audio]

From being a New Jersey lawyer to an internationally recognized leader who has changed the face of Tel-Aviv. Ari Abramowitz interviews Jay Shultz who shares his journey on today's Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: What Does 50 Years of Judea Mean for the Jews? [audio]

May 21st is the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of Judea & Samaria! This Sunday Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel will be inaugurating the Land of Israel International Headquarters in Judea with an epic celebration! Get all the behind-the-scene details on today's Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: Why Trump Doesn’t Drink Alcohol [audio]

After journeys through the geographic and spiritual realms, Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel return to the airwaves in an exciting episode on inspiration, service, obedience, and joy on today's Israel Inspired.

Terror, Extremism, Radicalism or Something Else Entirely? [audio]

The White House held a Summit to Combat "Extremism", while many say the war is with Militant Islam. Is there a battle raging that is much deeper and more profound?

Israel Inspired: The Journey to Loving the Land [audio]

Continuing on his journey to the mountain top, listen in as Jeremy Gimpel shares his experience with Ari Abramowitz today on Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: A Jew’s Journey of Discovery [audio]

Listen to a journey like you’ve never heard before. A journey of communes, hitchhiking, witches and then discovering of Jewish roots. Joshua Safran joins Ari Abramowitz and shares his story on today's Israel Inspired.

Israel Inspired: Why are American-Israel Relations Falling Apart and Why is that Good For...

The United States has began labeling products made in Judea and Samaria, a step toward an American boycott of Israeli products. Why is this happening now? How is Israel responding?

Israel Inspired: The Temple Mount Revolution [audio]

Get ready for a mass gathering and ascension to the Temple Mount this Sukkot with Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel on Israel Inspired.


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