Photo Credit: Facebook
Ophir Yitzhak

Border Police soldier Daniel Danino on Tuesday posted an amazing story on her Facebook page which is fast becoming the feelgood story of the month in Jewish media. Here’s the story, translated almost verbatim from Hebrew:

Friends, meet the angel Ophir Yitzhak, the man who doesn’t have Facebook but has the biggest soul I’ve ever met!


Today, as part of my regular routine, I board the train that leaves the Lod station at 4:27 PM on the way back home from the base. I sit down by the window, put on my headphones and start relaxing after my day’s work, when suddenly I’m hearing a conversation between a young woman, a soldier like me, who subsists on a soldier’s salary, an only child of a single mother, and she’s begging the electric company not to disconnect her electricity at home until the 28th, when her mother receives her Social Security pension (the mother is an invalid who subsists solely on this pension.). And they, as usual, are blank, they disconnected the electricity and she’s crying historically —

And suddenly an angel appears out of nowhere, grabs her phone, pays out of his own pocket her sizable debt of NIS 1950.00 ($499.65), and gives her the confirmation number.

And he did it with great love, so this young woman regain her peace.

A man of action, humility and with the biggest heart I’ve ever seen.

I get off the train filled with hope and faith in people. There are still a few good ones who are doing for others without the expectation of anything in return. I was left with an open mouth and wordless, and filled with a sense of pride for being part of this nation that helps the other in their time of need.

Friends, share this post, so it reaches people who know this amazing man, let them be filled with pride!!

So we did.

Daniel Danino

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