Canada Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status: It Supports the IDF

“JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal."

Republican Jews’ First Attack Ad on Kamala Harris: Her Priorities are NOT Our Priorities

"Kamala Harris' priorities are not the Jewish community's priorities."

Thousands of Angry Pro-Hamas Protesters and Israeli Ex-Pats Try to Drown Out Netanyahu’s Speech

The demonstrations may have been in protest of Israel’s military response to the Hamas atrocities, but it was all about Netanyahu.

After Pushback, Candace Owens Not to Appear at Event with Donald Trump Jr.

That the two were on the same docket shows that the Trump campaign is “appealing to an antisemitic, anti-democratic and extremist forces,” said the Democratic Majority for Israel.

Ben Gvir Alienates Allies by Allowing Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

"I remember the days when they shouted at me 'Allah Akbar' and I shouted back at them 'Shema Israel' and was arrested."

Meet UnXeptable: US Yordim Dedicated to Defeating Israel’s Right-Wing Majority

UnXeptable has been able to unite anti-Israel American Jews against the right-wing majority government.

Democrats Could Face ‘Some Risks’ Naming Jewish Governor as VP, ‘CNN’ Correspondent Says

Josh Shapiro, the Pennsylvania governor, is among the politicians who are seen as a potential vice president pick for the Democrat ticket.

Survey Suggests 78% of European Jewish Leaders Feel Less Safe than 10 Months Ago

“The grim impact of Oct. 7 on Jewish communities in Europe is fully reflected in this study,” said Ariel Zwang, CEO of the JDC.

Greece Condemns Attack on Israeli Arab Tourist Mistaken for a Jew

The 24-year-old Christian Arab from Nazareth was left hospitalized by the assault.

CAIR Head Suggests Jewish State Forged Reports Iran Trying to Kill Trump

The White House invited CAIR to be an adviser to its national strategy for combating antisemitism before removing the group in December.

North Carolina University Police Obtain Search Warrant for Pro-Hamas Students’ Instagram

This action follows a series of pro-Hamas protests in the spring that resulted in incidents of vandalism, trespassing, and property destruction.

‘Passages’ Wraps Up Christian ‘Birthright’ Trip to Israel

“These students who have chosen to travel to Israel with us right now understand the importance of this moment in history for Israel and the Jewish People.”

First Draft Notices for Haredi Recruits Expected Next Week

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the Knesset plenum last week that 3,000 haredi soldiers will be drafted to the military by next summer.

Cuban Jewish Delegate Leads GOP Convention in Prayer for Israeli Hostages

"We remember and pray for freedom for the hostages kidnapped and held so cruelly against their will. Lord, please keep them in your sight and hasten the day of their freedom.”

Pro-Israel Influencer Yoseph Haddad Banned from YouTube Again

The few pro-Israel accounts need to be defended,” the IDF veteran said.

Rosh Pina Kosher Meat Restaurant Charged with Death of Dairy-Allergic Patron

The Health Ministry’s report shows failures on the part of the hospital and Osher’s Leumit HMO.

Sydney’s Oldest Synagogue Targeted by Anti-Israel Activists

The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies condemned the "despicable act," calling it "pure, unadulterated antisemitism."

Corbyn Forges Pro-Palestinian Coalition to Pressure Labour

Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, is forming an alliance with four other independent MPs who share his pro-Palestinian stance. Their goal is to...

Columbia to Sack Law Prof. Who Said Israelis Come Straight from IDF Service to...

According to Franke, her outrageous accusation sparked a university investigation and a Congressional inquiry.

Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

UN Finally Admits it Paid for Albanese’s Anti-Israel Lobbying Trip

The controversial U.N. rapporteur’s visit to Australia and New Zealand included raising funds for a "Palestinian" lobby group and lobbying sovereign wealth fund to divest from Israel.

Signaling Shift, Israeli Interior Minister Calls for Orthodox Flexibility on Military Service

Arbel was speaking one day after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told lawmakers he would begin drafting yeshiva students next month.

Code Pink, PYM Face Lawsuit After LA Protest

Plaintiff Ronen Helmann detailed numerous acts of intimidation, including the threat “Slaughter the Jews.”

Simply Unprofessional: US Sanctions the Wrong Israeli ‘Violent Settler’

It's not so much clumsiness as another example of how the Biden administration is getting its information on events in Judea and Samaria from anti-Israel NGOs.

EU Agency: Jews in Europe Still Face High Levels of Antisemitism

“Europe is witnessing a wave of antisemitism, partly driven by the conflict in the Middle East. This severely limits Jewish people’s ability to live in safety and with dignity."

Leader of Lithuanian Haredim: Do Not Report to Draft Centers

"Do not show up at all at the draft offices, and do not respond to any draft summons, not even the initial summons."

Netanyahu Tells Chabad Emissaries, ‘Don’t Cower, Don’t Surrender to Antisemitic Lies’

"Don't bend, don't cower, don't surrender, not to these antisemitic lies, not to the fear, not to the intimidation."

Top US Law Firm to Screen Applicants for Antisemitism

Sullivan & Cromwell employs more than 900 attorneys in 13 offices across four continents.

NYU Settles with 3 Jewish Students Who Were Harassed at Pro-Israel Vigil

The three students filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against NYU in November.


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