Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh / Flash 90
IDF soldier in Shechem, January 28, 2023.

Three Arab terrorists who opened fire on a military patrol in the village of Jaba, near Jenin, were killed when IDF soldiers returned fire on Thursday morning.


The soldiers were on their way to arrest terrorists planning to carry out a shooting attack when the terrorists fired at them from a vehicle with Israeli license plates.

Two of the terrorists killed, 30-year-old Sufyan Fakhuri and 22-year-old Ahmed Feshafsha, were targets of the Israeli arrest raid. The third terrorist was identified as 25-year-old Naif Malaisha, who had been released from detention in recent weeks.

Soldiers found weapons and explosive charges in the terrorists’ car.

Fakhuri was reportedly trying to establish a terror group called the “Jaba Brigade,” with support from Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

A fourth Arab terrorist was arrested while hiding in a building in Jaba.

Responding to the death of the three, Islamic Jihad spokesman, Tarek Salmi said, “the aggression of the enemy obliges us to protect our people.”

In an ongoing sweep against terror in Judea and Samaria, the Israel Defense Forces have thwarted 500 terror attacks and arrested more than 2,500 suspects. Operation Wave Breaker was launched following a surge of Arab terror attacks in the spring of 2022 which killed 19 people.

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