Photo Credit: IDF
Female soldiers participate in the IDF Combat Fitness Competition

For the first time ever, the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) National N.Y. Gala Dinner, originally scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, at the New York Hilton Midtown, has been postponed in anticipation of severe winter weather out of concern for the safety of some 1,200 expected guests arriving from across the U.S., Israel, and Panama. The gala event will be rescheduled for a date to be determined.

FIDF’s flagship national event in New York has never been postponed before in the organization’s 36-year history. Last year’s event raised $33 million to support well-being and educational programs for Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers.


FIDF brought a delegation of 15 active-duty IDF soldiers and officers to New York to attend the event as special guests. The soldiers will remain in New York for the week to meet with FIDF supporters and community leaders. The IDF soldiers are from several military units, and include one of the IAF’s few women combat flight navigators, Capt. “Y.”;  Capt. Dafna, a field surgeon who is now the medical officer for all airborne units, including the Paratroopers Brigade and special operations; Capt. Avidav, a field intelligence officer who develops unmanned ground vehicles that protect Israel’s borders and assist troops on the battlefield; and Sgt. Yasmine, a parachuting instructor and U.K. emigre who has more than 60 jumps under her belt.

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