Photo Credit: Uri Lenz/ FLASH90
Arabs try to drop a stone block on Israeli soldiers in Ras al-Amud, Jerusalem. (Archive: January 2009)

See the siren update at the bottom of the article.

In Palestinian Authority mosques throughout Judea and Samaria, the Arabs will be replacing their calls to prayer, incitement speeches and Islamic messages with the Naqba siren, at noon on Sunday, according to security sources.


Naqba Day commemorates the day when the neighboring Arab countries and people gathered together to attack and destroy the fledgling Jewish state in May of 1948 – and spectacularly failed, proving that despite Islam’s replacement theology, Allah is a Zionist.

The siren will sound at noon for 2 minutes, and all PA pedestrians will try to stop throwing firebombs and stones, as well as driving their cars into Jews and blowing up buses and restaurants. They will stand at attention, in yet another cheap imitation of Israel.

It may be the safest two minutes in Israel’s history.

As of Sunday morning there have been reports of Arab stone throwing in multiple locations, and one Israeli driver was injured after a stone hit his car in the Binyamin region.

As an aside, we’re eagerly waiting to see what the Israeli-Arab MKs in the Knesset will be doing at noon.

So if you hear the siren, don’t get nervous, it’s not an air raid. It’s just the Arabs upset they didn’t succeed at genocide in 1948.

Happy Naqba Day.

Update: Sirens were not heard in western Gush Etzion, Hebron, Kedumim, Maaleh Efraim nor Maaleh Adumim.

The siren was heard in the Talmon-Dolev area in the Shomron, east of Modi’in.

One person from Beit El reports hearing a siren, others in Beit El didn’t.

We are waiting to hear reports from other areas of Judea and Samaria.

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