Photo Credit: Avraham Weiss / Tazpit News Agency.
Nazi flag proudly waves over Arab town.

Hundreds of Israeli Residents of Gush Etzion were disturbed to see once again see a Nazi Flag flying over the Arab town of Beit Ummar Yesterday (Jul. 6).

The large flag is visible from Route 60, the main routes in the area. Residents notified the IDF about the affront, but they have so far failed to act.


Beit Ummar, a town of 13,000, is located northwest of Hebron, close to where the bodies of three abducted Israeli teens were discovered in a shallow grave last Monday.

A resident of Carmei Tsur who saw the flag told Tazpit News Agency that this is reminiscent of what happened 75 years ago. “The Arabs are no longer fearful of hiding their intentions,” he said, “To kill, destroy and uproot the Jewish People.” This is not the first time a Swastika has been hoisted over Beir Ummar. Tazpit news Agency reported on May 20th, 2013, that a Nazi Flag was flying over the town, very close to one of their mosques. The IDF and Civil Administration at the time ordered the Palestinian Electrical Company to remove the Nazi flag that had been hung on one Beit Ummar’s electric wires. The offending flag was subsequently removed.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.