Photo Credit: Pixabay / Kaboompics

Following are phone numbers and resources that may be helpful to anyone living or visiting in Israel during the current Swords of Iron War.

Basic Emergency Numbers
100 – Police
101 – MDA
1221 – United Hatzalah
1220 – ZAKA
102 – Firefighters
103 – Electric Company 104 – Home Front Command Center 105 – Family Center for Missing Victims of Hostilities


Hospital Emergency Centers
Soroka Medical Center – 12-55-177
Barzilai Medical Center – 12-55-171
Assuta Ashdod Public Hospital – 12-55-182
Kaplan Medical Center – 12-55-181
Shamir Assaf Harofeh Medical Center – 12-55-188
Wolfson Medical Center – 12-55-135
Sheba Medical Center – 12-55-131
Ichilov Hospital – 12-55-133
Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center – 12-55-122
Shaare Zedek Medical Center – 02-564-5024

Services for the Deaf
The deaf community in the Gaza Strip and in general in the State of Israel are invited to enter immediate conversations with sign language interpreters for any emergency call. For an emergency call, go to the link:

Services for the Disabled
The ILAN association has opened a hotline to which young people and adults with physical disabilities and family members can call, consult on rights issues, and receive information, support, and psychological assistance. The hotline, 1-800-50-50-55, is now open on Saturdays and weekdays from 8 am to 8 pm.

Support for Anxiety
Matan (Mental Support Center for Anxiety Victims) has opened at the Teachers Center in Be’er Sheva at the address: Sderot Rager 85. The center provides initial response to anxiety and trauma victims. The center can be reached between the hours: 8 am to 8 pm

-WIZO Helpline: Call 3980* for general support and assistance to anyone who needs (on normal days, the line helps victims of violence).

WIZO Parent Counseling and Assistance Helpline: Call 6968 from 10 am to 10 pm. Counselors on the line are educators and treatment experts.

-WIZO National Hotline for Men in the Circle of Violence: 1-800-393-904.

HMO (Health Maintenance Organization / Kupat Holim) Anxiety Lines:
* Clalit – by phone 03-747-2010
* Maccabi 076-817-3631
* Maccabi call center 3555*
* Meuhedet – 3833*

HMO / Kupat Holim Medical Lines:
Clalit 03-747-2010
Maccabi *3555
Leumit 1-700-507-507, *507
Meuhedet *3833

Support for Sexual Assault
Helpline for women 1202
Helpline for men 1203
Chat assistance –

ERAN Resilience Centers
Nationwide: *1201 or 1-800-363-363
Residents of the South: *2452
(18 Pardes Street, Ashkelon)

Regional Council Offices
Ashkelon Beach – 08-677-5598
Eshkol – 08-996-5264
Sderot – 08-661-1140 /08-661-1150
Sha’ar HaNegev – 077-980-2755
Sdot Negev – 076-532-2042/3/4
Western Negev (Netivot) – 055-306-3853
Bedouin Resilience Center – 072-221-2788
Gush Etzion (Efrat): 058-398-9550/02-993-9378
Binyamin / Sha’ar Binyamin – 02-584-8600
Samaria- 055-277-9285/09-79403 (Karnei Shomron Mall)
Judea (Kiryat Arba) – 02-996-9560/055-953-4177

For New Immigrants
The Absorption and Immigrant Ministry in cooperation with the Eran association operates an emergency professional anonymous and immediate psychological help center in the following languages: Russian, Amharic, English, French and Spanish.
The hotline operates by phone *3201 and chat through the Eran website.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.