Kamala Demands Bibi End Arab Suffering in Gaza, Settler Violence in Judea and Samaria

This was an American threat against Israel’s entire strategy in Gaza.

IDF: Hostages Bodies Were Found Beneath Humanitarian Area

"We are determined to use all operational and intelligence means to bring home all our hostages. Any decent country in the world would do the same."
Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad.

They’ve Learned Nothing: Ministers Support Salam Fayyad to Run Post-War Gaza

Salam Fayyad is behind the plan to expand the takeover of Judea and Samaria and create a "Palestinian" State.

Hamas Terrorists Kill Gazans at UNRWA School with Failed Rocket Attack Aimed at Israel

Over the past 24 hours, the IAF struck more than 60 terror targets throughout Gaza, including military structures and terrorist infrastructure.

Welcome to the ‘Wild West Bank’ – Exposing Truth in the Palestinian Authority

Sage said that while he was filming, he was accosted by a group of menacing Palestinian Authority men who demanded he stop interviewing and forced him to erase the footage he already had.

Israeli Lawmakers Say ‘Time to Use Proxies Against Iran’

“It is time to invest resources in psychological warfare programs that will destabilize the regime."

Cleared for Publication: IDF Recovers Bodies of 5 Hostages

The bodies of the victims were recovered by Israeli forces in a special operation in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis.

Thousands of Angry Pro-Hamas Protesters and Israeli Ex-Pats Try to Drown Out Netanyahu’s Speech

The demonstrations may have been in protest of Israel’s military response to the Hamas atrocities, but it was all about Netanyahu.

Netanyahu Memorializes US Senator Joe Lieberman: ‘I Miss Him Terribly’

"Israel has lost one of its greatest champions, and I have lost a beloved friend and an irreplaceable comrade in arms."

EXPOSED: The terror ties of ‘CBS News’ journalist in Gaza

Marwan al-Ghoul works closely with the PFLP terrorist organization. CBS News should not celebrate his work, but be ashamed of it.

Anti-Israel Hate Arrives at Netanyahu’s Washington Hotel

Protesters scattered maggots and crickets in the Watergate hotel where the Israeli delegation was staying.

Musk: Starlink Activated at UAE Field Hospital in Gaza

Israel approved the internet satellite service for the Rafah facility in February.

Meet UnXeptable: US Yordim Dedicated to Defeating Israel’s Right-Wing Majority

UnXeptable has been able to unite anti-Israel American Jews against the right-wing majority government.

Canned Brigadier General Ofer Winter: IDF Doing It All Wrong

The most crucial prerequisite operative actions would be to send home the entire senior IDF staff, the very people who severed Winter’s career in mid-swing.

Day-Long Hezbollah Rocket, Drone Attacks Fired at Northern Israel

It’s estimated that farmers in the north have suffered at least NIS 1 billion in indirect damages due to the attacks.

Israeli MKs Approve Bills Designating UNRWA as Terror Organization in First Reading

"What is happening today is a badge of honor for the Knesset . . . We did a wonderful job together with all the partners to these bills."

6,800 Hezbollah Missiles Fired at Israel Since Oct. 8, Tens of Thousands of Crops...

Hamas and Hezbollah have succeeded in damaging the lives of ten times the number of Israelis who were forced from their homes in 2005.

Hamas Rocket Hits Gaza School

The IDF also launched a new offensive in Khan Yunis.

IDF Eliminates Hamas and PLO Commanders in Tulkarem

The IDF also used an aircraft to eliminate the armed terrorists.

Cruz: Biden Let Iran Build Drones Made ‘Almost Entirely’ of US Parts

"Military production of the drones is financed by funds available to the Iranian regime, including roughly $100 billion that the Biden administration has allowed to flow to the ayatollah," the Texas senator said.

Fragmented Hamas Shifting From Combat to Survival Mode

The Netzarim Corridor has become a tourniquet right around the neck of Hamas in Gaza.

Hezbollah Expanding Range of Barrages to Unevacuated Communities, Warns Researcher

Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to “launch missiles at settlements that were not previously targeted,” during a speech on Wednesday.

Israel Confirms Deaths of Two More Hostages in Gaza

Their deaths were declared by a panel of health experts and rabbis.

Canadian Citizen/Terrorist Neutralized in Netiv HaAsara

The Islamic Canadian terrorist yelled in English that the IDF is killing civilians.

Biden Endorses Kamala Harris for President

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Watch As It Happens: IDF Footage of ‘Operation Outstretched Arm’ Attack on Yemen

Although the exact number and type of aircraft that took part in the operation remains classified, F-15 and F-35 warplanes comprised much of the contingent that carried out the attack.

IDF Soldiers in Gaza Inoculated Against Polio Virus

"It is important to emphasize that a soldier who does not want to be vaccinated will not be obliged to do so." But that would not be wise.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/politics/kamala-demands-bibi-end-arab-suffering-in-gaza-settler-violence-in-judea-and-samaria/2024/07/26/

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