Photo Credit: courtesy, United Nations
Ban Ki-moon and PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the Cairo conference to "re-build" Gaza, October 2014.

Third: Your concern for the Palestinian Authority and its imminent collapse is heartwarming and admirable – especially if you are a member of that organization which idolizes murderers, engages in routine torture of its own citizens, is known to be corrupt to the core, and has defrauded the international community of hundreds of millions of dollars. The PA has offered nothing but lies and murder to Jews – but it is so much worse to its own Arab citizens. Many Arabs I know in Hebron and eastern Jerusalem are praying to Allah that He take the PA from off of them and their children. These Arabs want a decent life, the way it was before the dreaded Oslo Accords which put them at the mercy of your exalted Palestinian Authority. Many Arabs curse you and your “human rights” which empower the worst terrorists to suppress them and brainwash their children to Jihadism. Truth is, most Palestinians are tired of the “harsh, humiliating and endless occupation” – of the Palestinian Authority!

Mr. Ban Ki Moon, living under the repressive PA is like living in an authoritarian mind-numbing North Korea – while right next door, in Israel, land of rights, progress, and possibilities, Jews and Arabs live in the region’s South Korea. Yet you, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, who hail from South Korea, are a proponent of a North Korean-like terror regime for Arabs and you ask that “Israeli authorities…. unequivocally support the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian institutions.” Nothing like the UN to fix problems.


Fourth: It’s going to be hard to hear this but… the Oslo Accord’s Land-for-Peace, two states living side by side, is dead – and it was from the get-go. Offering one’s beloved homeland for peace comes off as spineless and wimpy, and has not earned us the respect of our Middle Eastern neighbors. The Two-State idea was based on the premise that Jews would happily forego their own historical heritage and forget Hebron, Bethel, and the Temple Mount in exchange for the promise to be allowed to live. But the problem is that if there ever was a historically conscious people, it’s the Jews. We were never, and are never, going to stop remembering, yearning, and fighting for our homeland, which is inextricably intertwined with our very Jewishness.

So now, Two-State has flatlined, and only fuddy-duddys like yourself, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, continue to obsess over reviving it. While you peddle it as the ONLY solution, there are many other workable ideas for a better future. It is time that one-trick-ponies like yourself exit the scene and leave the indigenous peoples to handle it themselves.

Fifth: While, as explained, we are not engaging in “occupation”, you and your organization, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, are engaging in preoccupation. While the quarter-million Syrians who have been killed in the last five years dwarf the number of Israelis and Palestinians killed in all of our conflicts, you are writing letters about Israel in the New York Times. While an estimated 200,000 prisoners are incarcerated in prison camps in North Korea, you abandon your own region to make speech after speech about ours.

And though your job title would imply that you have a right to stick your nose into everyone’s business, it would be nice if you had any success whatsoever to back up your arrogance. Here, in the Middle East, Arabs and Jews – except those who are employed by your bloated organization – think that the UN is an abysmal failure. Your schools here teach Jihad that sends teenagers to die, your camps you keep Palestinians in perpetual refugee status, and you deny Jewish history with your culture-usurping UNESCO, which decided that the ancient Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem should really be called the Bilal bin Rabah mosque.


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