Canada Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status: It Supports the IDF

“JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal."

Germany Bans Islamic Center in Hamburg, Closes Four Mosques

The Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg, a Shi'ite organization with ties to Iran and Hezbollah, "promotes an Islamist-extremist, totalitarian ideology," according to Germany's interior minister.

Jerusalem Warns Paris of Iran-Backed Plan to Strike Israeli Olympians

Iranian operatives and other terror groups plan to target members of the Israeli delegation and Israeli tourists, said Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

Hamas Terrorists Kill Gazans at UNRWA School with Failed Rocket Attack Aimed at Israel

Over the past 24 hours, the IAF struck more than 60 terror targets throughout Gaza, including military structures and terrorist infrastructure.

President Herzog Delayed at Paris Airport Following Security Incident

A suspicious individual was spotted on a rooftop as Herzog’s plane touched down.

Excavations Reveal Extent of Nazi and Soviet Ruin of the Great Vilna Synagogue

The excavations uncovered the Great Synagogue’s bath house and mikvahs.

Israeli MKs Approve Bills Designating UNRWA as Terror Organization in First Reading

"What is happening today is a badge of honor for the Knesset . . . We did a wonderful job together with all the partners to these bills."

Hague Court Invites 70 Countries and Groups to Object to Netanyahu, Gallant Arrest Warrants

The immediate meaning of the decision is a delay of at least two and a half months in the possibility of issuing international arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.

PLO and Hamas Sign Unity Declaration in Beijing

The declaration was signed by 14 terrorist factions following a two-day summit hosted by FM Wang Yi.

Survey Suggests 78% of European Jewish Leaders Feel Less Safe than 10 Months Ago

“The grim impact of Oct. 7 on Jewish communities in Europe is fully reflected in this study,” said Ariel Zwang, CEO of the JDC.

Canadian Citizen/Terrorist Neutralized in Netiv HaAsara

The Islamic Canadian terrorist yelled in English that the IDF is killing civilians.

Netanyahu Submits Declaration Rejecting Hague Court’s Ruling on ‘Occupation’

The resolution was composed without input from Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Armed Shin Bet Agents Will Accompany Israeli Athletes in Paris Olympics

French authorities just arrested a Hamas supporter on terrorism charges following an attempted attack on a taxi driver.

Guterres ‘Deeply Concerned’ over Israeli Strike on Hudaydah, Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’

He called on all UN Member States defending their vessels from attacks to do so "in accordance with international law."

UK to Resume UNRWA Funding, Six Months After ‘Pause’ Over UN Body’s Terror Ties

“The Conservative government suspended funding to UNRWA. Today, the Labour government is restoring it,” Lammy wrote on social media.

Russia Sentences Jewish ‘WSJ’ Reporter Evan Gershkovich to 16 years

U.S. President Joe Biden said that Gershkovich was “targeted because he is a journalist and an American.”

Pro-Israel Protesters Interrupt UN Security Council Meeting, Call for Freeing Hostages

Protests inside the Security Council chamber are rare, and the Russian foreign minister, who chaired the meeting, appeared not to understand the protesters.

US Muslim Group Wants Israel Expelled from Paris Olympics

The letters conclude with a mad show of cynicism: “The Olympic Games should be a beacon of hope, unity, and respect for all human beings, whether Palestinians or Ukrainians or anyone else.”

Israel Rejects Norwegian FM’s Request to Visit, Cites Recognition of Palestinian State

Norway not only recognized a Palestinian state but refused to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

EU Prepares to Impose Additional Sanctions on Israelis in Judea, Samaria

One has to question how many Europeans the Council has sanctioned in response to their calls for the extermination of Jews . . . and the State of Israel.

Israel Strikes Terrorists Hiding in UN School

Hamas used the Abu Oraiban School as a hideout and as a point to direct and launch attacks on Israeli soldiers.

Fl. Republican’s Bill to ‘Claw Back American Tax Dollars from UNRWA’ Passes Committee

On May 7, Mast and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced a bipartisan bill to direct the Secretary of State to recover any federal funds that have been disbursed to UNRWA.

UNRWA Head Claims Key Allegation of Hamas Collaboration Lawsuit is False

Philippe Lazzarini defends his agency’s scattered and disputed humanitarian aid record keeping.

Sydney’s Oldest Synagogue Targeted by Anti-Israel Activists

The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies condemned the "despicable act," calling it "pure, unadulterated antisemitism."

Corbyn Forges Pro-Palestinian Coalition to Pressure Labour

Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, is forming an alliance with four other independent MPs who share his pro-Palestinian stance. Their goal is to...

UN Finally Admits it Paid for Albanese’s Anti-Israel Lobbying Trip

The controversial U.N. rapporteur’s visit to Australia and New Zealand included raising funds for a "Palestinian" lobby group and lobbying sovereign wealth fund to divest from Israel.

Israel Presses Terrorists Holed Up in UN Facility, Hamas Internal Security Commander Killed in...

Soldiers also eliminated dozens of other terrorists and destroyed combat compounds and booby-trapped buildings.

A Month After Announcing $90 Million in ‘Palestinian’ Aid, USAID will Send $100 Million...

The United Nations, USAID’s partner in aid delivery, admitted that its claims of famine in Gaza are not data-based.

EU Agency: Jews in Europe Still Face High Levels of Antisemitism

“Europe is witnessing a wave of antisemitism, partly driven by the conflict in the Middle East. This severely limits Jewish people’s ability to live in safety and with dignity."


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