Photo Credit: Channel 13 News / Facebook screengrab
Alona Chugai and Sharon Bass tell the story of their grandmothers -- the rescue of a young Jewish girl by a woman in Ukraine.

The saying “What goes around, comes around” usually has a negative connotation – but this time it is the harbinger of a happy ending.


During World War II, a young Jewish girl, Fanya Bass, was hidden from the Nazis by Maria Blishchik in Ukraine. That act saved her life and ensured the survival of her future family.

Recently, it was Fanya’s family’s turn to rescue those whose ancestor saved her life so long ago.

When Maria’s two granddaughters, Lasia Orshoko and Alona Chugai, landed last week at Ben Gurion International Airport after their escape from Ukraine, Fanya’s granddaughter Sharon Bass — who assisted with the red tape — was there to welcome them.

Sharon told Israel’s Channel 13 that she had visited her grandmother’s grave prior to the arrival of Maria’s two granddaughters to ask for her personal intervention, from above, to make sure the operation was a success.

She is certain, Sharon said, that the closing of this circle after 80 years was due to the merit of her grandmother Fanya, “who always helped everyone.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.