Germany Bans Islamic Center in Hamburg, Closes Four Mosques

The Islamisches Zentrum Hamburg, a Shi'ite organization with ties to Iran and Hezbollah, "promotes an Islamist-extremist, totalitarian ideology," according to Germany's interior minister.

Jerusalem Warns Paris of Iran-Backed Plan to Strike Israeli Olympians

Iranian operatives and other terror groups plan to target members of the Israeli delegation and Israeli tourists, said Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

President Herzog Delayed at Paris Airport Following Security Incident

A suspicious individual was spotted on a rooftop as Herzog’s plane touched down.

Excavations Reveal Extent of Nazi and Soviet Ruin of the Great Vilna Synagogue

The excavations uncovered the Great Synagogue’s bath house and mikvahs.

Survey Suggests 78% of European Jewish Leaders Feel Less Safe than 10 Months Ago

“The grim impact of Oct. 7 on Jewish communities in Europe is fully reflected in this study,” said Ariel Zwang, CEO of the JDC.

Armed Shin Bet Agents Will Accompany Israeli Athletes in Paris Olympics

French authorities just arrested a Hamas supporter on terrorism charges following an attempted attack on a taxi driver.

Israel Rejects Norwegian FM’s Request to Visit, Cites Recognition of Palestinian State

Norway not only recognized a Palestinian state but refused to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

EU Prepares to Impose Additional Sanctions on Israelis in Judea, Samaria

One has to question how many Europeans the Council has sanctioned in response to their calls for the extermination of Jews . . . and the State of Israel.

EU Agency: Jews in Europe Still Face High Levels of Antisemitism

“Europe is witnessing a wave of antisemitism, partly driven by the conflict in the Middle East. This severely limits Jewish people’s ability to live in safety and with dignity."

Netherlands to Join Effort to Convince EU to Declare IRGC a Terror Organization

Thus far, four foreign ministers from European countries have promised Katz their support for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Marine Le Pen’s 2022 Presidential Campaign Targeted by Investigation

Although begun in 2023, the fact that this investigation is becoming above-the-fold news in France's media may be a sign of things to come under the new extreme-left-led majority in the Assembly.

European Jewry Denies Antisemitism Claims Against Incoming EU Council President

"We are appalled that unsigned online media reports emanating from a certain Jewish group in Portugal would seek to launch an unfounded and potentially libelous attack on Mr. Costa in this way."

French Aliyah on Steroids May Follow Antisemitic Far-Left Victory

Some 700,000 French Jews are eligible to make Aliyah under the Law of Return.

Porto Jews Warn New European Union President has Antisemitic History

Leaders in the Porto Jewish community claim in a newly released book that former Portuguese prime minister Antonio Costa was involved in the persecution of the country's strongest Jewish community.

Netanyahu’s Confidante Meyer Habib Lost his Assembly Seat to Macron’s Candidate

Habib has been considered PM Benjamin Netanyahu's confidant for years and was involved in various aspects of the relationship between Israel and France during Netanyahu's tenure.

Extreme Left Outmaneuvers National Right in France’s 2nd Round Elections, Recognition of Palestinian State...

Mélenchon firmly supports Palestinian statehood and is critical of Israel, describing it as a colonial state.

Grandmother of Israeli MK Beaten Up in Paris Suburb by Arabs

MK Sharren Haskel accused the French government of failing to protect the country's Jewish community from violence.

Russia Warns Israel Not to Transfer Patriot Missiles to Ukraine

Earlier this year, the Israeli Air Force revealed plans to phase out its Patriot batteries, citing their age and intentions to upgrade to more sophisticated, home-made air defense systems.

Nationalist Right Dominates France’s First Round of Snap Elections

The composition of the upcoming legislature hinges significantly on how Macron and left-wing parties guide their supporters in the next vote.

To Receive German Citizenship Applicants Must Recognize Israel’s Right to Exist

"Anyone who does not share our values ​​cannot get a German passport.:

Dutch PM Mark Rutte Appointed Next NATO Chief

Rutte has visited Israel twice over the past year. He maintains contact with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at least once a month and sometimes more often.

German Monitoring Group Reports 80% Rise in Antisemitism in 2023, More than Half after...

Daniel Botmann of Germany’s Central Council of Jews said that “we are not currently seeing the effect of an emigration of Jews from Germany,”

Portuguese Police Officer Remembered, Killed Saving Israeli Ambassador’s Life

“The work to prevent terrorism is essential, because any surprise in this area usually has a tragic end.”

Greece, EU Warn Hezbollah Against Threatening Cyprus

“It is absolutely unacceptable to make threats against the sovereign state of the European Union. We stand by Cyprus."

Two Charged in Terror Plot Against Jewish Targets in France

The pair connected online and were planning "a violent action notably aimed at Jewish targets," according to a report.

Kirby: US to Favor Ukraine in Delivering Defense Systems at the Expense of ‘Other...

Netanyahu's comments "were deeply disappointing and certainly vexing to us," Kirby said.

German Intel Agency Labels BDS Movement as ‘Suspected Extremist Case’

"We absolutely have to break the spiral of escalations in the Middle East, leading to even more disgusting hatred of Jews here."

Three Boys Indicted for Antisemitic Rape of 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl in Paris

The girl was reportedly dragged into an abandoned location by the three minors, called "a dirty Jew" and threatened with death.

Iran Rejects G7 Warning as ‘Political’ and Vows to Continue ‘Peaceful” Nuclear Program

Iran also rejected a G7 statement that the world body would enforce 'new measures' if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.


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