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In Australia, BDS is already facing a legal challenge as the Israel Law Center moves to prove it is a racist entity.

Israeli Law Center (Shurat HaDin) has filed a legal suit in the Australian federal court against the director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University in Australia Jake Lynch for supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Shurat HaDin previously filed a complaint against Lynch at the Australian Human Rights Commission. The new lawsuit states that Lynch’s support of the BDS movement violates Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act and is particularly focused in Lynch’s refusal to sponsor Hebrew University of Jerusalem academic Dan Avnon.


The “lawfare” organization, which has won suits for millions of dollars against the Palestinian Authority and agencies that abet terror, is seeking a court order requiring Lynch to apologize and renounce his BDS campaign, stating that his participation in and support of the BDS movement has led to “adverse distinction, exclusion, restriction and adverse preference based on the Jewish race, descent, national and ethnic origin of goods, services, persons and organizations,”  The Australian reported.

Lynch dismissed the accusations against him, saying he is certain that “we will prove, in court if necessary, that it does not amount to any form of discrimination or racism.”

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