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Massive blaze erupted at a Qom, Iran, industrial complex, May 2, 2021.

A huge fire broke out at an alcohol producing factory in an industrial complex in Iran’s northern city of Qom on Sunday morning, forcing the authorities to declare an emergency, Tasnim news reported. An emergency has been declared in the area and all organizations, including the IRGC, have been mobilized to control the raging fire.


Videos showed heavy black smoke rising from Movaledan chemical factory in the vicinity of Qom, one of Iran’s prominent religious cities.

The spokesman for the fire department of Qom said the fire was reported at 6 AM local time, and more than 100 firefighters have been deployed to extinguish the inferno in the Movalledan factory at a chemical industries plant.

Iran’s ISNA news agency reported that twenty fire engines were sent to tackle the blaze, citing the Qom fire department spokesman Hamid Karimi.

Karimi said that firefighters had battled to stop the flames from reaching containers of explosive chemicals, including alcohol. Several firefighters were injured in the process, one of them critically.

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