Musk: Starlink Activated at UAE Field Hospital in Gaza

Israel approved the internet satellite service for the Rafah facility in February.

Day-Long Hezbollah Rocket, Drone Attacks Fired at Northern Israel

It’s estimated that farmers in the north have suffered at least NIS 1 billion in indirect damages due to the attacks.

6,800 Hezbollah Missiles Fired at Israel Since Oct. 8, Tens of Thousands of Crops...

Hamas and Hezbollah have succeeded in damaging the lives of ten times the number of Israelis who were forced from their homes in 2005.

Egypt Building Ballistic Missile Launch Sites

Egypt has been obsessed with ballistic missiles since the 1960s.

IAI Introduces ‘Wind Demon’ Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile

Celebrated for its effectiveness and efficiency, the Wind Demon boasts a meager cost-per-hit ratio.

Cruz: Biden Let Iran Build Drones Made ‘Almost Entirely’ of US Parts

"Military production of the drones is financed by funds available to the Iranian regime, including roughly $100 billion that the Biden administration has allowed to flow to the ayatollah," the Texas senator said.

Greece Condemns Attack on Israeli Arab Tourist Mistaken for a Jew

The 24-year-old Christian Arab from Nazareth was left hospitalized by the assault.

Hezbollah Expanding Range of Barrages to Unevacuated Communities, Warns Researcher

Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah threatened to “launch missiles at settlements that were not previously targeted,” during a speech on Wednesday.

Watch As It Happens: IDF Footage of ‘Operation Outstretched Arm’ Attack on Yemen

Although the exact number and type of aircraft that took part in the operation remains classified, F-15 and F-35 warplanes comprised much of the contingent that carried out the attack.

Shin Bet Thwarts Terror Attack Directed by Hamas in Turkey

An M-16 assault rifle was confiscated as well as tens of thousands of dollars received from the Hamas headquarters in Turkey.

Blinken: Iranian Nuclear Breakout ‘One or Two Weeks Away’

""What we've seen in the last weeks and months is Iran is actually moving forward with this program.

Guterres ‘Deeply Concerned’ over Israeli Strike on Hudaydah, Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’

He called on all UN Member States defending their vessels from attacks to do so "in accordance with international law."

Israel’s Arrow 3 Intercepts Incoming Houthi Missile

The ballistic missile was downed outside of Israeli airspace, according to the IDF.

Hudaydah Raid a Step Up in Israel’s Security Strategy

We may be entering in earnest the next phase of the Israel-Iran war.

Watch: PM Netanyahu Addresses Retaliatory Attack Against the Houthis

"The drone attack that struck Israel in the early morning hours yesterday shows that more than defensive action is needed to curtail the Houthis. Offensive action is also needed...."

Houthis Vow to Strike ‘Vital Targets’ After Massive Israeli Strike on Hudaydah Port

"The response to this aggression is inevitable . . . The response to the Americans and "Israelis" will be harsh."

Netanyahu: Houthis are Integral Part of Iran’s Axis of Evil

"The Houthis are an integral part of Iran's axis of evil. This axis works not only against Israel, it threatens the peace of the entire world."

IDF Attacks Houthis in Yemeni Port of Hudaydah

"The fire that is currently burning in Hudaydah is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear."

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Trump to World Adversaries: Return our Hostages or Pay ‘Big Price’

He criticized the Biden-Harris administration, alleging they inherited a peaceful world but transformed it into a global conflict zone.

Houthis Claim Responsibility for UAV that Exploded in Tel Aviv Killing 1, Wounding 10

Meanwhile, a vessel delivering Iranian weapons to the Houthis has mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Red Sea.

Senior Al Jama’a al-Islamiyya Commander Eliminated in Lebanon

The "Islamic Group" -- Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya -- is a Sunni terrorist organization with ties to both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Nasrallah Threatens to Attack Additional Parts of Israel

Nasrallah is hiding in his underground bunker, afraid to show his face in public.

Overnight Hezbollah Rocket Barrages Target Nahariya, Meron

The attacks represent another escalation in the drip-drip ongoing war of attrition launched against northern Israel by the Iranian proxy.

Kiryat Shmona Hit by Multiple Hezbollah Rocket Barrages

The Iron Dome anti-missile aerial defense array shot down most of them but at least three slipped past and several buildings were hit.

Three Israelis Arrested for Harming National Security at Iran’s Behest

A citizen from Beit Shemesh near Jerusalem, was charged with illegal contact with a foreign agent.

Houthis Attack Israel-Owned Tanker Carrying Vegetable Oil in Red Sea

"No damage or injuries have been reported at this time," according to U.S. Central Command.

Northern Israeli Evacuees Urge ‘No Compromises’ with Hezbollah

“We cannot negotiate with those who seek our destruction,” Matan Davidian asserted. “We need a strong and clear response to ensure our future.”

Syrian Businessman with IRGC Links Killed in Targeted Air Strike

The strike targeted a vehicle in which two people were riding near the Syrian town of as-Saboura near the border with Lebanon.

Saudi-Israel Normalization Unlikely Before US Elections

Riyadh is also waiting for a ceasefire in Gaza before potentially signing on to the Abraham Accords.


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