Photo Credit: Gershon Elinson/Flash90
Student in Efrat.

Minister of Education, Minister Yoav Kish, announced on Tuesday, that seven local municipalities from all over the country won the national education award for the year 5783 (2022-2023). Each of the winning authorities and councils will receive NIS 100,000, which will be invested back into the local education system. In addition to the local authorities and the regional councils, certificates of appreciation will be awarded to pioneering principals and principals, and to outstanding schools and kindergartens from all over the country.

The “National Education Award for Outstanding Authorities and Councils” committee headed by the Senior Vice President and Director of the Pedagogical Directorate, Mrs. Ina Salzman, chose the winning authorities based on the tremendous efforts they invest in promoting educational programs and educational activities to foster social values that shape identity, to promote social involvement in the community, to strengthen resilience the emotional and the sense of belonging, to create educational continuity, to promote learning processes and for accumulating significant achievements.


These are the 7 local authorities that won the National Education Award for the year 5783:
Nof HaGalil – leads an innovative, egalitarian and value-based education policy that provides the best response to all students in the city, while taking into account the human diversity, the age sequence and all the educational frameworks that operate there. Works for optimal absorption of the new immigrant students and their families in a praiseworthy manner.

Baqa Al Garbiyya – promotes a holistic educational concept, which promotes excellence and invests in educational programs that cultivate independent, creative and active students, who acquire tools for self-fulfillment and utilize their abilities and skills while encouraging contribution to the community in a variety of channels.

Hod Hasharon – works to promote the processes of growth and development of learners and education teams in the personal, municipal and national aspects. operates an innovative education system that prepares learners for the changing reality. Promotes a concept of fairness and equality and opportunity that contributes to the success of all its students.

Netanya – leads a multicultural concept, which contributes to shaping a personal and local identity. Promotes innovation, while establishing educational environments adapted to the 21st century and programs to promote the Israeli identity. Makes sure to provide an adapted and relevant answer for all students. Promotes a concept of urban and personal excellence.

Sedot Negev – persistently strives to develop an involved and active graduate in Israeli society, while strengthening the leadership of children and youth by donating and volunteering in the community alongside educational investment with an emphasis on scientific-technological study, promoting a concept of fairness and equal opportunities for all its students.

Sderot – leads a local perception and language alongside emotional-social learning, which contribute to strengthening the resilience of the students, their families and the education staff in the city. Works and invests many resources to promote and strengthen early childhood and promotes unique programs in the fields of science and technology.

Efrat – promotes education which is an extensive platform for the development of innovative pedagogical initiatives adapted to the variety of populations. Promotes values of respect and contribution to the community. Strives to provide a varied and tailored response to special education students. Works to promote and deepen the resilience of community members in the settlement.

These are the 12 outstanding educational institutions for the year 5783:
1. The high school “Amos de jaShalit” in Rehovot under the management of Mr. Avi Kish
2. The “Savion” special education school, in Ramat Gan under the management of Mrs. Shaf Gerda
3. “Gan Daklim” in Ramat Hasharon, the management of Ms. Segal Cohen Azaria (Khamad)
4. “Tabenkin” elementary school in Bat Yam, under the management of Ms. Marcel Zahar
5. “Nissan” Kindergarten in Nazareth, under the management of Ms. Manal Hasan
6. The Galil Bilingual Elementary School in M.A. Mashgav, under the direction of Dr. Manar Khiadri
7. “Alwadi” elementary school in Jasr al-Zarqa, under the management of Ms. Najam Jubran
8. Yeshiva Ami’t “Balevav Shalem” in Yeruchem, under the direction of Rabbi Yair Yacovi
9. The elementary school “Girls of Jerusalem” in Jerusalem, under the management of Mrs. Beitia Malach
10. The secondary school for special education “Mitarim” in Petah Tikva, under the management of Ms. Nechama Eliyahu
11. “Menashe Elisher” elementary school in Jerusalem, under the management of Ms. Hadas Stuyar
12. “Hamelil Aloni Yitzchak” secondary school in M.A. Menashe, under the management of Mr. Ron Chai

These are the 13 pioneering managers for the year 5783:
1. Ms. Esti Greenbuch – director of the “Nofim” school in Haifa
2. Mr. Etty Levy – director of the ORT Greenberg school in Kiryat Tivon
3. Mr. Yedidia Etzion – the director of the “Keshet Branko Weiss” school in Mezekrat Batia
4. Ms. Sharon Rahamim – Director of the Pisga Center in Lod
5. Ms. Ziv Tugander – Principal of the “Shataklis” middle school in Tel Aviv
6. Ms. Aliza Ephraim – the principal of the “ORT Milton” school in Bat Yam
7. Mr. Natan Zvi Finkel – director of the Torah education center “Ohalaich” in Bnei Brak
8. Rabbi Yoad Aharoni – director of the “Zvia Katif” yeshiva in Yad Binyamin
9. Rabbi Shalom Malol – director of the “Ami’t Yigal” yeshiva in Ashdod
10. Ms. Mina Yousfi – director of the “Shaked Barzilai” school in Ashkelon
11. Mr. Zuriel Robbins – director of the comprehensive religious school “Ami’t” Be’er Sheva
12. Ms. Doaa Kasem – director of the “Tzur Bahar” school for boys in Jerusalem
13. Mr. Yuval Nebo – director of the “Tavel” school in Jerusalem

At the awarding ceremony of the National Education Award for the year 5783, Minister of Education Yoav Kish, will present the awards and certificates of appreciation to the authorities, councils, directorates, principals, schools and kindergartens that won, and will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.

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