Two Foundations Set Out to Revitalize Jewish Education in Europe

Starting in Rome, the Yael and Lauder Foundations embarked on a mega-philanthropic partnership to revitalize Jewish education in Europe.

$5B National Scholarship Tax Credit Bill Passes House Committee

The measure would provide $5 billion in scholarships to cover the expenses of families whose children attend public and private schools.

How to Tackle Campus Antisemitism 101

"Our universities and legislators need to understand that free speech has been weaponized by antisemitic students, creating an environment where we don't feel safe.”

Brown U Jewish Trustee Resigns over BDS Vote

"How can Brown lend credence to these antisemitic voices, who notably began protesting in support of violence against Jews before Israel had even responded to the Oct. 7 attack?"

Study: One in Five Non-Jewish Collegians Don’t Want to Befriend ‘Zionists’

“The survey analysis shows how differently Jewish and non-Jewish students experienced the last year on campus and hints at what can be expected in the future,” said co-author Eitan Hersh.

Columbia U Task Force on Antisemitism Finds ‘Serious and Pervasive’ Problems

"Consensus around the University’s formal rules and informal norms of behavior broke down, interfering with our charge to educate students and engage in research.”

TAU & UCLA Researchers Discover Older Vulture Don’t Go Out Much

The researchers utilized a database accumulated over 15 years from GPS devices attached to 142 vultures that tracked them for periods of up to 12 years.

Pittsburgh Police Arrest Man Wearing a Keffiyeh Who Injured Jewish Students

"To be clear: Neither acts of violence nor antisemitism will be tolerated."

‘Start-Up Classrooms’ Program Aimed at Attracting Jewish Students to Jewish Schools

"We want parents and prospective students to run towards our schools and not run away from other schools.”

25 Masked Pro-Hamas Thugs Disrupt California Liberal Arts College Convocation Ceremony

The protesters formed a circular procession in front of the building, while a news helicopter circled above.

Feinberg School of Medicine Deletes Arab Students’ Images to Protect their Careers

JSP complained angrily about the medical school’s career-salvaging move.

24 States’ AGs Warn Brown U that BDS Vote Invites Dire Consequences

In July, an Office for Civil Rights investigation criticized Brown's lack of response to its Jewish students amid a reported surge in campus antisemitism nationwide.

U of Haifa Researchers: Israeli Jellyfish Deliberately Swim to the West, They Are Not...

Marine Scientists at the University of Haifa discovered that jellyfish aggregations swim collectively toward the west, and this may contribute to their survival.

California University Pro-Hamas Rioters Sue After Being Suspended

The UCI chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) also received a temporary suspension.

TAU Researchers: Sunflowers Dance to Avoid Blocking One Another’s Sun

A recent study sheds light on a scientific puzzle that has occupied researchers since Darwin.

Ramaz High School Graduates Boycott Columbia, Many Prefer YU

Meanwhile, Yeshiva University is experiencing a significant surge in undergraduate enrollment this fall, reaching levels not seen in the past 15 years.

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik Steps Down

Not once in her 674-word statement did Shafik mention the vicious antisemitism that has ravaged her campus.

TAU Scientists Found a Way to Turn Garbage into Fuel

The garbage comprised 67% fruits and vegetables, 14% bread, pasta, and cereals, 8% eggs and dairy, 5% peels, 3% meat, fish and poultry, 2% sweets and cookies, and 1% soft drinks.

Indiana’s AG: Free Speech Rights End at the Classroom’s Door

Professors in Indiana's public universities have no First Amendment rights within their classrooms.

Three Columbia Deans, Who ‘Touched on Ancient Antisemitic Tropes,’ Resign

“About time. Actions have consequences, and Columbia should have fired all four of these deans months ago,” stated Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chair of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.

Indiana U Fences, Shuts Down Pro-Hamas Encampment

The organizers told the Herald-Times they said they would comply by removing personal belongings from the camp.

University of Haifa, Ashdod Port Preparing for All-Out Hezbollah Attack

"It was decided to exercise extra caution and permit all employees who work above the fifth floor in the Eshkol Tower to work from home.”

Religious Women Present Innovative Technologies at Jerusalem Hackathon

The 26-hour hackathon drew 120 female students from JCT's Tal, Tvuna, and Lustig campuses.

Federal Judge Rejects White House Sex Discrimination Impositions on Hundreds of Colleges

Critics have raised concerns about the aggressive enforcement of Title IX regulations by colleges, especially in matters related to sexual conduct.

TAU Develops Smart Tagging to Identify and Track Drones in Stressful Environments

Traditional tracking methods can fail in harsh conditions, including limited line of sight, multiple air traffic participants, and tall buildings blocking satellite signals.

North Carolina University Police Obtain Search Warrant for Pro-Hamas Students’ Instagram

This action follows a series of pro-Hamas protests in the spring that resulted in incidents of vandalism, trespassing, and property destruction.

Columbia to Sack Law Prof. Who Said Israelis Come Straight from IDF Service to...

According to Franke, her outrageous accusation sparked a university investigation and a Congressional inquiry.


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