Photo Credit: Moshe Milner/Flash90
PM Netanyahu contemplating IDF Chief of Staff Gantz over the head of late President Peres, as a beardless Ehud Barak looks on, June 30, 2011.

The gap between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Chief of Staff Benny Gantz is only three percent as to who the Israeli voters would prefer for prime minister, according to a Channel 10 poll this week.

According to the survey, 41% of the voters prefer that Netanyahu continue serving another term as PM, Gantz wins 38%, and 21% say they don’t know.


The survey, conducted by Prof. Camil Fuchs of Tel Aviv University, included 694 respondents, 604 of whom were Jewish and 90 non-Jews.

According to the survey, 33% of the public believe the prime minister’s claims that the investigations against him were conducted in a tendentious manner. 49% do not believe this claim, 18% don’t know.

Another question in the survey dealt with the dramatic statement—at least in his view—that Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered on Monday. Only 16% think this was a dramatic statement, 57% say it was not a dramatic statement, 5% didn’t know about the statement and 22% didn’t watch the broadcast

However, according to the survey, when positioned against MK Yair Lapid, 45% of the public prefer Netanyahu stay another term, compared with Lapid, who received only 29%. 26% don’t know whom they prefer.

The fact that the tense race between Netanyahu and his rival Gantz is between a candidate whose rich political record stretches over several decades and a competitor who has so far managed not to open his mouth on any major issue, important or otherwise, indicates that the Israeli public is in an anyone-but-Bibi mood.

The gap between the two leading candidates may be further reduced or increased, probably after Gantz emerges from the Trappist monastery and finally join the 2019 campaign.

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