Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Activision, creator of the popular, first-person shooter video game “Call of Duty,” is aggressively addressing racism and bigotry in the game’s chat features.

Users, including many young people, can chat over headsets with one another as they wage virtual battles. Hate speech, including antisemitism, has spread on this as well as other games.


Activision is using a program called ToxMod—created by the artificial intelligence company Modulate—both to identify hateful language and to analyze tone, intent and context. The technology purports to identify things like hate group recruitment efforts.

Once AI flags a potential violation, human moderators take over. Offenders face two-day suspensions for minor infractions and up to lifetime bans for more extreme ones.

The Anti-Defamation League has documented white supremacy content before, including hateful usernames, on video-game platforms, including “Call of Duty.”

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is said to be an avid “Call of Duty” player and is reported to be investing $38 billion in video-game development in the kingdom.

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