Photo Credit: Mosaica Press

Title:“Questioning The Answers”
By Kayla Haber-Goldstein
Mosaica Press



Before one even reads “Questioning The Answers” by Kayla Haber-Goldstein; some of the great insight that underlines the message and flow of this book can be seen by looking at its cover. “From the notebook of….”. This book or maybe I should say sefer, is a peek into Kayla’s personal journey of growth that covers many years of trying to understand Hashem’s existence, as well as Shabbos and Yomim Tovim.

“…Kayla Haber-Goldstein FFB-BT” (frum from birth baalas teshuva). This struck a beautiful chord within me. It reminded me of Tehillim 27:4 where we ask Hashem to live in his house and to visit his temple “Shivti Bvait Hashem… ulevaker b’heichalo.

There is something so profound when reading Kayla’s notebook/sefer. She approaches in a way that is similar to that which Dovid HaMelech aspired to. She grew up living as an observant Jew and discovered the way to experience the freshness of someone who sees it for the very first time.

I also refer to this as a sefer because of the depth and wealth of Torah knowledge it gives the reader. Still, I love the fact Kayla herself refers to it as a notebook as a notebook has a more personal touch and that is exactly what Kayla provides in each chapter. She weaves the reader into her life and you truly feel her questions come alive. Then she presents the hours and hours of research that she did for each question and delivers it to her audience with such ease and intelligence. Again, the duality is fascinating.

The above two aspects and duality are constant throughout the work. Whether you are new to Jewish concepts or have been learning your entire life, you will find this book to be quite engaging. For educators and those who work in kiruv, you can use this book as a learning tool for those who are growing in their Judaism.

Kayla begins with her personal story and then weaves it into each chapter. What becomes obvious to the reader is her great intellect and total excitement for each subject she tackles. My favorite part was her breakdown of the different parts of the seder; pure genius. I can’t wait to share those concepts with my family this year at our Pesach seder!

If you are looking for a book to reignite your Jewish identity, a book to understand different aspects of Judaism, or you are looking for a great sefer to learn with a friend; look no further! This book is a must for your home.

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Jordana Baruchov or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is a Middle school dean by morning... Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by afternoon and Torah Influencer, motivational speaker, podcaster, Mother and Grandmother by night. Jordana inspires thousands with her positive outlook and everyday life lesson through a Torah lens with her Drink it in videos, Drink it in podcast or simply fun Carpool Reels.